What is the mind and how can we model it? Cognitive science offers a distinctive approach to fundamental philosophical questions about the mind.This course begins with the classical foundations of cognitive science and surveys recent developments in the field, including neural networks, theories of embodiment, dynamical systems, and recent statistical approaches to cognition and artificial intelligence.
Grading1, 2, 3
Level LimitLetters and science
CollegeProfessor Roskies is a challenging professor not because of the way she teaches but because of the breadth of her field and the lack of prerequisites for this class. I took 124G, and what really allowed me to succeed in this class was just doing the readings and taking PSY 120 (consc&cog). This class requires genuine interest and hard work.
Worst professor I've had and miserable to be around. Mouthy and opinionated when asking for help in office hours and tests are most of ur grade but with no clear idea of what's being tested theres no way to prepare….easy to see why she got fired from her last school and honestly hope the same happens here tbh. Wouldn't recommend any course by her
Shes has high expectations of students when it comes to entry level knowledge and will use a lot philosophical terms in lecture without elborating on their meaning. Overall I found office hours to be a waste of time and lectures to be unhelpful. Difficult to comprehend and get a good grade in unless you have a graduate level understanding.
Tests are large portion of the grade But no guidelines for material being tested on Graded IClicker quizzes based on the reading Attendence mandatory and taken from them Low test averages No meaningful curve to the low averages Would be a great course with a different professor
Teaching style is bland. Slides are basically summary of the readings. Readings are expected to be done before class and there's not a lot, but they are all dense as hell and honestly very time-consuming without good guidance. Office hours are genuinely a nightmare, she doesnt say anything and expects you to have excellent arguments already somehow
The worst professor I've ever had. She does not lecture or teach. She gives readings otherwise the class is taught almost entirely by student presentations. If you mess up on one of the exams your grade is doomed. Gives no useful feedback and will not help you understand subjects. Slow grader.