A graduate seminar examining special problems, current theories, analytic procedures, and recent innovations in ethnomusicology.
Grading1, 2, 3
PasstimeGraduate students only
Level LimitLetters and science
Collegehe was so so boring during lecture. its an easy class due to it just being attendance and an 800 word paper, plus 3 outside concerts. but at the cost of snooze fest lecture. just sit in the back and zone out and attend section and youll be good
Ezz class but he doesnt have a clear rubric and you just gotta ask ur TA to help if you want a guidline. Dont even have to rlly pay attention in class either since its mainly off 3 concerts u attend and an essay at the end and then a section project
Really chill class, lots of guest speakers in lecture, tracked attendance but really light workload, one 800 word paper and final presentation, no tests or quizzes, overall was a good GE experience
Such an easy class. Don't get me wrong, annoying at times, but so simple. The reading notes suck for the first half of the class. Other than that all you have to do are the 2 group presentations and 2 group papers, then just show up to class and act engaged. He primarily grades on completion. Very, very chill prof and class for the most part.
Easiest class I've ever taken at UCSB. Cooley is a simple and fun guy; there's only a two things you need to do to get an A+: 1. Participate. Act Excited. Show you're engaged in some way. He'll love you immediately. 2. Be on top of group work. Every Cooley class is group project heavy. They're super easy, but you have to do them.
Professor Cooley was one of my favorites while at UCSB. Gave me a ton of help in working on my senior thesis. Would absolutely have taken more classes with him given the opportunity.