A survey of Western music and its social contexts from 1848 to 1945. Topics include music and nationalism, late romanticism and the limits of tonality, modernism, the impact of popular music on art music, and neoclassicism.
Grading1, 2, 3
Level LimitLetters and science
CollegeThis is the second course I've had with Professor Jurkowski. His classes are very easy and he wants you to succeed. I recommend his courses for GEs, even if the lectures can be boring at times.
Very accessible outside of class and very approachable. Just not a very helpful professor, assigns a lot of homework as if we don't have other courses we are taking, and then grades very harshly on it. Doesn't post any lectures, so if you miss class your are simply screwed. Just overall doesn't give you the tools you need to succeed normally.
Really easy class. Said in the syllabus that attendance was required but I never went to class once and got an A. All you have to do is take an online weekly 5 question quiz and alternate between a 300 word and 600 word response based on the weekly reading. The weekly reading is short and discussed in section too, sort of interesting, good GE.
Interesting lectures if you're interested in musical history at all! It doesn't stay on like 18th century guys the whole time, gets real interesting when it gets to the 20th century. Professor is enthusiastic and his lectures are great. Lots of short/informal papers.
No Final/Midterm Exam! Just a big paper to be honest. Material in class was interesting as we worked through many time periods and many styles of music from different regions of the world. He made class very interesting and constantly tried switching it up all the way from guest speakers, to guest performers. Super sweet!
I cannot express how much I LOVE this man. Dr. Jurkowski is extremely knowledgeable about this subject and very passionate as well. The beginning of the class can seem a little bit slow (especially if you have prior experience with music) but is very interesting towards the end. Easiest class I've ever taken at UCSB, def recommend for ur arts cred!