Topics, varying from year to year, include piecewise linear and differential topology, manifolds, fiber bundles and fiber spaces, homotopy theory, and spectral sequences.
Grading1, 2, 3
Level LimitLetters and science
CollegeHe is a very good prof. You will have a good idea of what is on his tests and how to approach it. Proofs are not fully straight forward but if you do the homework you should be able to figure it out. Overall, very fair and is extremely helpful in office hours.
The best math professor I've ever had at UCSB. He puts a lot of effort into his lectures and his exams are very fair. You will have to work hard to do well though. The homework assignments are several pages long since Math 108A is a tough course, but he made it understandable and enjoyable. I wish he was teaching 108B.
Very good at explaining things. 108A is a hard class but his lectures are clear and he is thorough. Accessible during office hours. Want to take more of his classes.
Very easy class. His tests are straight forward and only cover the basics. The homework is fairly easy and is a good respresentation of how the tests are. Be sure to go to the in class reviews he holds before each midterm and final, they are very helpful.
Best professor ever, 4A is really easy tbh, and I felt like this is easier than 3A & 3B. His midterms and final are easy and conceptual. As long as you go to the lectures, do homework, read the textbook (sometimes it really helps), this should be an easy A for you. Highly recommended.
Definitely the best professor I have ever had. The tests are simple and straightforward. His lectures were amazing and he explained the math, why the math mattered, how what we were learning tied to everything else. I would love to take another class from him, he reminded me why I love math.