Fields, field extensions, Galois theory.
Level LimitLetters and science
CollegeFOR 4B NOT 6A: Decent lecturer, hw is easy + worth around 40%-- but the midterm was 4 questions & a BRUTAL grade, I know ppl who made 1 arithmetic error and got a B. If this happens talk to the TA they may have mercy & bump you. Final wasn't as bad, but watch for trick questions. If you want an A DO NOT expect a curve! For us A was 95, A- was 90.
His handwritten notes are very hard to read and unclear, making it difficult to keep up with the class. Also, his exams cover very tricky topics, many of which were not explained in detail during lectures, and some were even never mentioned at all. If you're hoping to achieve a high GPA (4.0)in this course, I would not recommend this professor.
A class that was made more difficult than it should have been. Not impossibly hard just not a class I enjoyed attending.
Definitely the worst math professor I have ever taken. He could not explain the concepts and just read through the notes from another professor. The practice are similar to exams, but exams are way harder, and he had never explained in the lectures how to solve these problems. Wasn't able to finish half of the midterm in the time limit.
The exams were insanely difficult. They were similar to the practice midterm, except 10x harder. Prof absolutely cannot teach nor answer any questions, so definitely sign up for CLAS bc the tutor literally saved me. The curve was good, but it was applied in the final grade on GOLD, so you couldn't check if you were on track to pass, kinda risky
Nonono, grades curved down.