Covers development of teaching techniques.
1 - 4
UnitsPass no pass
Grading1, 2, 3
Level LimitLetters and science
CollegeProf. Campbell is such a sweet, genuine teacher who truly cares for his students. He is so willing to help and easily approachable. He made zoom lectures very flexible and made sure that everyone including those in different time zones weren't stressed out about online classes. He is one of the nicest professors at UCSB. Definitely take his class!
Really dedicated to his field and interested in students. You don't have to buy an expensive textbook, he provides papers to read. Get ready to read, and to participate.
This class is difficult mainly because lecture is mandatory, but extremely boring. Somehow, you must force yourself to go and pay attention or you won't do well. Also, go to section! I stopped going to section after the midterm and that was a huge mistake. The homework problem sets get increasingly difficult and more detailed after the midterm.
Super great professor. Really helpful when you need it. His voice is kind of mono-toned so lectures can seem to drag on, but he's overall a great guy.
If you enjoy learning about Zanzopotec Chatino for 8weeks being taught by a guy who I swear acquired his teaching style from Ben Stein in Ferris Buellers Day Off then this class is for you. Lectures are based almost solely around this language he researched. Only cool thing is the research project where you pick a language and analyze it's phono.
He seems like a really nice guy, but I also thought his teaching style was incredibly boring. I never take notes on my laptop, but I found lectures (2.5 hr night class) to be unbearable without having a distraction. Attendance is mandatory in the sense that you have to go when there's a quiz (5 out of 10 weeks). Overall easy but boring.