Overview of key concepts in spatial statistics, including measures of spatial association and models for spatial regression, point processes and random fields. Geostatistical methods for analysis and interpolating continuous and area (lattice) data.
Grading1, 2, 3
PasstimeGraduate students only
Level LimitLetters and science
CollegeI am pretty sure someone is taking down the bad reviews. I remember seeing poor reviews on here a few months ago and now they're gone. He's a terrible professor. Do not take this class if you can help it. The lectures made it more difficult for me and the quizzes were overly confusing and vague.
Interesting and easy class, highly recommend. Multiple choice 2 midterms and final. 6 assignments.
I found the material really interesting and Professor Ding was clearly very passionate about this course. He was very helpful during office hours and his grading curve ensured that everyone would pass with either an A or B.
seriously recommend this class if you want an easy GE, super passionate professor though his accent makes it hard to understand what he's lecturing on sometimes. It doesn't really matter though cuz you mainly learn through his slides which are pretty engaging and well made. The curves he gave were insane.
Very generous % to letter grade (86 or above was an A/A+). Easy, interesting class. "Mandatory" lecture but iClicker normally didn't even work, weekly section hw but sections not rlly mandatory. Prof very passionate and knowledgeable in class content, tried to make concepts fun to learn, gave study guides before midterms/final. Awesome time!
I took Geog 3 with Ding and I really enjoyed it. He is a bit quite during lectures but is very passionate. He curved the grades a lot so basically anywhere from a 91-100 was an A+.