Designed to improve students' ability to quantitatively approach environmental topics by developing skills in algebra, statistics, and calculus. Emphasis is placed on applying these skills to solve practical environmental problems. Students learn how to use widely used software for environmental data analysis and visualization (Excel and R, optionally). Designed for first and second year students to prepare them for upper division courses with quantitative components.
Level LimitLetters and science
CollegeTie doesn't know what it means to be friendly -- he cringes when someone talks to him outside class and goes on rants against people who miss class or don't understand the homework. He goes on tangents about random computing ideas which don't apply to the homework or tests. You'll need to be a good critical thinker to pass this class.
Class is hard, listen when he says to practice problems throughout the week and not all at once. Didn't have any past coding experience, but reworking and understanding the homework helped a lot, as well as office hours. He allows a page of notes for midterm and final, helpful since he gives hints as to what type of questions are on tests
Lecture sucks, homework is challenging but by no means excessive, online quizzes every week are a free 10% of the grade in the class, you get an entire front and back page of notes on the midterm and final. The entire page of notes is the only reason I passed - course feels disorganized and moves at a sporadic rate. Good luck if you've never coded
Goes through material very quickly, and without prior programming experience the class is very very difficult. He is a nice guy and is very friendly, but just needs to slow everything down a bit. Allows a notesheet for the midterm/final too
He is not good at teaching the material that is required to do the homework to succeed at his exams. Unless you have previous experience with coding you will surely fail the class because even the basics are not taught properly. He skips around and goes on about things that really are not relevant. He is completely disorganized.