Introduction to econometrics for data analysis in economics and social scieces. The goal of the course is to learn how to use simple and multivariate linear regression for analyzing the relationship between economic variabless, for prediction and for causal inference, understanding its underlying assumptions, advantages and pitfalls.
Grading1, 2, 3
Level LimitLetters and science
Collegeeasy to do well if you show up to lecture, I didn't even have to take the final and got an A. That being said I'd definetly fail the final if I had to take it cause the course picks up really quick about half way through.
The structure of the class is very weird, I felt like I wasn't really learning, but just trying to pass the test. The curve was fairly strong and you could do well on first two midterms and skip the final because the lowest one gets dropped. Glad I'm done with this class. truly wasn't the best experience.
Love his lectures, explains abstract concepts with concrete examples, solves problems step by step by writing on his own tablet which makes it easy to follow. However there was a lack of communication between him and TA's, so the first exam created by TA was a disaster. This is a rare class that you succeed by going to lectures instead of sections.
This class is strictly based on the grading of the TAs, but the TAs are extremely unforgiving, docking posts for the most minuscule errors. The tests were absurd given what was taught in lectures. No practice material except for 3 problems with the most vague and sometimes incorrect answer key. No guidance in this class whatsoever. Good luck.
Not sure why there are so many bad reviews here but Professor Vazquez-Bare is extremely smart and great at his job. The way he teaches is so much more digestible than my first professor (this is my second attempt at 140A). The exams are tough but doable if you do the practice problems. Even if you fail an exam, the quizzes will help balance it out.
Avoid. Run.