A broad survey of economic principles, including both microeconomics and macroeconomics.
Grading1, 2, 3
Level LimitLetters and science
CollegeWhile sometimes unorganized, she made homework and tests relatively easy and gave extra credit opportunities. Lectures were sometimes difficult to follow but overall the class wasn't difficult.
Benelli gets easily distracted in class and tells personal stories instead of teaching material. She wasn't able to get through all the material necessary for the final in my class. Be ready to have to learn most of the material on your own since she rushes through notes in class time.
She's a mix of really good and poor qualities. She's very lenient, especially with late work and grading, pretty much everyone passes. However, her lectures are very disorganized and don't connect easily with the types of questions she asks on exams. You also have no idea what you're grade is until after the final. Teach yourself the material.
she is so confusing and her lectures feel pointless because she doesn't cover anything we are tested on.
Lectures aren't mandatory but you will have to teach yourself the material, her slides aren't very helpful. Exams are tough and questions aren't based on the lectures so you will have to read to understand. Study and read and you will be fine but wouldn't take her again
Benelli is nice but her class is so confusing especially the lectures, they make no sense. Her tests have nothing to do with what she teaches so you better get the textbook out or figure out some other way to learn the material. Good luck!