Geologic mapping on topographic maps and aerial photographs; use of geologic field instruments; field techniques; preparation of geologic maps and reports. Field work is completed during the break and between winter and spring quarters and consists of a 8-10 day overnight field trip.
Grading1, 2, 3
Level LimitLetters and science
CollegeLectures are full of lots of information (he talks... ALOT), labs require lots of hours, and the exams are hard, mostly fill-in-the-blank, vocab matching, rock ID, etc.... I never knew what I was going to be quizzed on, and the last 3 weeks of the class practically weren't real.
103 was the first class I took with Phil and he is a great professor. He is very smart and able to deliver that knowledge to students. Structure is a very hard class but not because he is a bad professor. Going to office hours is important because it is so hard but he is more than willing to help you learn if you make the effort to seek his help.
Professor Gans is one of the best professors I have had at UCSB so far. He is known for being tough, but he wants you to succeed. He knows his stuff very well and is in general a chill guy.
Gans was a terrible professor and I would never suggest taking him. He is a very difficult grader and does not make an effort to answer questions. Very disappointed in his lack of effort to actually teach. Labs have little to no instruction and students are expected to teach themselves. 0/10.