Open-level Modern/Contemporary Physical Practice is an introductory studio-based course exploring various movement modalities in the area of modern and contemporary dance technique. Investigates different initiations for moment within the body, energetic flow, rhythmic form and structure and the building blocks of anatomically healthy movement practices in various styles within modern dance.
Grading1, 2, 3
Level LimitLetters and science
CollegeHe is very nice, helpful and the course is easy.
Very clear and ready to help you. Amazing all around.
Awesome TA and great discussion session
Justin''s hair is a character of its own. I struggled in this class bc I have never taken any kind of computer programming. Justin could be helpful and was always really high on science but sometimes I found his discussion sections cumbersome and confusing. He really loves the subject matter though and is always excited to answer any questions.
In a class where the professor and other TAs were unhelpful and unclear and mostly off-topic Justin was a breath of fresh air. He explained things clearly at a basic level so that you could actually understand them using simple examples the other instructors muddled and confused with high-level math.
Provided just the right amount of help to get me started on a problem. He explained topics in different ways if the topic was unclear to me.