Provides students with experience in advanced topics in multivariate statistics and computer programs. Analyses includes multiple regression, MANOVA, log linear analyses, and other advanced techniques.
Grading1, 2, 3
PasstimeGraduate students only
Level LimitLetters and science
CollegeWasn't the best but wasn't the worst. Did not take attendance and posted lecture slides which was super helpful. Didn't show up to almost all lectures and still passed. Gave us a huge curve at the end of the class based on everyone's scores! Very passionate about the topics but tests are wordy and lecture heavy! Focuses on minor details.
I don't know why there are so many bad reviews, the truth is if you don't pay attention or attend lecture you'll have a difficult time. Honestly his lectures are very interesting and he's clearly passionate about the subject. Just pay attention, do the work, and you'll get a good grade.
Awful. No other word to explain this class. Did not understand half of what he was saying in lecture. Tests are impossible. He does not want you to pass!!!!!!! DO NOT TAKE THIS CLASS SAVE YOURSELF!!!! Profesor Reid if you are reading this please retire.
Comm 104 with Professor Reid is one of my favorite communication classes. He is a great lecturer and we watched a lot of cool animal videos. The class/tests are pretty hard but he "curves" final grades well so it evens out. Your grade is made up of 4 quizzes, 2 papers, a final, and a midterm. If you dont attend class you won't do well.
Scott is a funny guy. He's got an Australian accent and tries to make class interesting, but the energy just isn't there. His lectures are not super engaging and not mandatory, but practically are due to the fact that his slides are sparse and impossible to follow without being in lecture. Quizzes and tests are decently hard.
Professor Reid is incredible. Absolutely adored his lectures and his humor. Super engaging and highly knowledgeable. Its a difficult course because of the science heavy content but its so worth it. I would highly reccommend this class. This is what higher education is for. Beautiful educational experiences with seasoned academic professionals.