Examination of both clinical and statistical approaches to professional psychology research. Special attention devoted to conceptualizing and developing research proposals in the area of professional psychology.
Grading1, 2, 3
Level LimitGraduate school
CollegeFormat and lectures of the class are relatively straightforwards. Interesting guest lecturer but quizzes are large part of the grade and are random and specific and not always explained in class. Main assignment is a research paper that isn't too difficult if you go to section and put in the time.
The grade breakdown of this class is frustrating. The quizzes are very specific to things said during lecture and are worth a large majority of your grade. Overall an easy class if you pay attention and go to every lecture but beware of the quizzes.
My favorite professor at UCSB so far!!! Really cares about his students and he makes lectures so interesting. Hes the reason why I want a career in research. Truly an inspiration !
SUPER easy class but Quirk is petty.