Directed study, oriented toward research, to be arranged with individual faculty members. Course offers exceptional students an opportunity to participate in a research project or group.
1 - 3
Grading1, 2, 3
Level LimitLetters and science
CollegeProfessor Gallucci was a great professor. As someone who enjoys learning about greek mythology his lectures were very interesting. His grading criteria is very easy. It's unfortunate that he is retiring this year, so if you have a chance to take this class definitely do it. It's an easy A. (He records all lectures and exams are open note) :)
Gallucci's retiring by the end of this school year, but I'm glad to have gotten a chance to take a class of his while I had the opportunity to. Really easy, he's really caring, and he made the class very enjoyable. He'll go down as a legendary professor here at UCSB.
Great lecturer who makes the material enjoyable. Gallucci's class is not too difficult - open-note exams and essays are straightforward if you do the readings. Unstuckstudy AI was a helpful tool for prep alongside the textbook.
EASIEST UPPER DIV GE EVER! Grade is made up of 2 papers (you'll get a high A if you try) & midterm + final (SUPER EASY online MCQ). Never did readings so basically NO HW! SUPER SWEET person & you can contact him for any questions via phone! Zoom lectures are hard to understand but they're NOT NEEDED...even to get an A (>90% don't attend lectures!).
grade was just two 400-word essays, a midterm and final which were all open note/book. lots of reading if you actually read the texts he assigns. essays are basically 100% if you just do them. his classes fill up super-quick, understandably why.
Easy GE. The lectures were boring you don't need to go to do well. There were two short essays, a midterm (online), and a final (online). Great class overall.