Introduction to diffraction techniques. Protein crystal growth and morphology. Data collection and reduction strategies. Approaches for solving the phase problem. Crystallographic refinement, including molecular dynamics. Interpretation of crystal structures.

Prerequisites: Consent of instructor.





1, 2, 3



Level Limit

Letters and science

Yang Hai
10 reviews
Spring 2024 . Hai Y
GIRV 2115
12:30 PM - 13:45 PM
CHEM 181 Hai Y Spring 2024 Total: 7
CHEM 181 Hai Y Spring 2021 Total: 6
See All
142A . 2 Months Ago

The exams were so hard and non related to the lecture materials. Slides contain minimal amount of word explanation. Teaching us like graduate students. Always write random things on board which make the whole class note so messy and disorganized. The worst professor at ucsb and avoid this person for your own good. Recommend MCDB 108 series!

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142A . 3 Months Ago

He's a very smart professor and it shows during lectures. I really liked the content of this class. But the exams were grueling- He teaches so many topics but only covers a select few on the exams, making it hard to prep for. The TA was very nice tho. I would really recommend taking MCDB 108/110 since those classes are more clear and fair.

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142A . 3 Months Ago

His grading policy may seem fair according to the syllabus but then each homework assignment and his exams are graded on what seems like a completely arbitrary rubric. We never even found out what our final exam scores were and then they posted our grades after the due date for GOLD. doesn't really seem like he cares that much about students

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142A . 3 Months Ago

He made his class incredibly difficult. Homework assignments were vague and unclear and his exams were taken home and open note but he designed them to be extremely difficult so it doesn't really matter what resources you use. His slides don't really contain much info so you really have to write down what he says.

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142A . 3 Months Ago

The material is interesting, but the class is unnecessarily difficult due to poor structure. Exam topics are briefly covered in lectures, making it hard to study. Grading policies are unclear early on and very harsh, with little to no partial credit. There may be a curve at the end but overall the course feels stressful and disorganized.

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142A . 9 Months Ago

Being Prof. Hai's student is the luckiest thing ever. I'm really grateful to him. He is not only my science hero but also my life role model.

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See all 10 reviews
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