Introduction to organic chemistry. Topics include acid/base chemistry, conformational analysis, stereoisomers, thermodynamics and kinetics, aromaticity and resonance, and multistep synthesis as well as the nomenclature, structure, reactivity, and mechanisms of alkenes, alkynes, and alkyl halides. Reaction mechanisms include electrophilic addition, substitution, and elimination reactions.
Grading1, 2, 3
Level LimitLetters and science
CollegeShe is so silly. I laughed out loud multiple times from her jokes. Not her fault the class and subject is hard, she teaches well and lays out her expectations clearly. If you do the textbook problems and her worksheets the tests are very fair. I took the entire 109 o-chem series with her and would do it again.
I love Professor Anyika so so much! She is extremely caring and puts in a lot of effort into her class and into helping her students understand. Office hours is a very helpful tool where you can solve problems with students and Mercy will guide you along the way. This way you really learn the material instead of her just giving you the answer!
She is a good professor overall for CHEM109A. I do think she could improve on spacing out the content better (ex. some lectures were too dense and fast and others were repetitive), and those random grade emails before quiz scores came out were unpleasant. My favorite part of taking her class was her humor. She is such a mooooooooooooooood.
Anyika is fairly new and seemed to had a rough start the previous times she taught, but I found her lectures to be very clear and fairly easy to understand. There was plenty of resources for practice outside class and the exams were fair, although she does like to sprinkle some trick questions here and there.
I honestly don't understand all of the hate towards Anyika. She is a decent lecturer and does the best she can considering how difficult of a topic organic chemistry is to grasp. You need to put in work outside of the class if you want a good grade. Her tests are very reasonable, most of the questions are taken from the book or lecture.
Love her. Ochem is hard, there's no way around that, but Dr. Anyika clearly cares a lot and tries her best to deliver the material smoothly. Do the book problems, go to class, and get help if you need it. Dr. Anyika is bubbly, passionate, and helpful.