The solution to comprehensive plant design problems. Use of computer process simulators. Optimization of plant design, investment and operations.
Grading1, 2, 3
Level LimitEngineering
CollegeChE 141 feels unnecessarily difficult for a technical elective in terms of homework. The course content is great but the homework is just a bunch of busy work that is more time consuming than something like ChE 140B or a major course. This class would be a gem to audit or just sit in to cut down the useless work. It is best to skip
Gets off topic in lectures, notes and slides are very poorly organized. Interesting guy, would love to have a chat with him outside of class but as a Professor not too great. On tests, he asks for random facts that don't really seem relevant.
One of the best professors in the department. Great guy.
If you say something dumb he will not attempt to hide his contempt for your foolish question. He presents information in all its complexity upfront, as if to intimidate. He does not present a graspable progression of ideas that can be understood by undergrads who are learning fundamentals. Go to office hours, do the work and ask for clarification
I got 90 out of 100 for my final and still ridiculously only get a C+ for the class, if you want to get a good grades, treat your midterm seriously. Homework is doing research about boring topics and data, hard and totally waste of the time. Materials are not so hard but lectures and notes he gave are pretty unorganized and useless for review.
Good luck.