Supervised teaching of lower-division comparative literature courses at UCSB. Participation in occasional workshops related to the field of teaching will be required.
UnitsPass no pass
Grading1, 2, 3
Level LimitLetters and science
CollegeIf you want to try to have a handwritten essay, you can try it. BTW, it's very boring!!!!!! I will never enroll in the professor's class again.
The slides are mostly quotes from the readings, and the summarization of the ideas is superficial. It is hard to grasp the points they want the students to learn after sitting for 1 hour and 15 minutes (I attended most lectures so I am sure to say it.) The rubric for grading on writing assignments is extremely unclear and have no standards.
Damn this class was tough. I'm a stem major with absolutely no Asian background who took this class to fulfill a GE requirement... biggest mistake of my life. However, professor Li was great and her lectures were easy to follow. Don't take this class if you don't need it unless you love reading and/or are particularly interested in East Asia.
prof xiaorong is a good prof, but the class material is so boring. its basically a history class. lots of reading and 5 pop quizzes. theres one paper due at the end of the quarter that was graded SO HARD. no one knew the expectations for it bc it was the only paper assigned so wtf. and the final was super long
So so so much reading homework. But if you actually do it all and try to grasp the content the course is smooth sailing from there. Content is very interesting anyway, so reading isn't too boring. Li is very passionate about the subject; she gives thorough and interesting lectures and is always available for those who want further discussion
Dr. Li is very familiar & enthusiastic about her topic and she's caring to students. Although lectures might be dry this class worth taking if u are really interested in Chinese lit. Exams are based on discussion in lecture & section and they are fair if u do attend. However, if u are not familiar with Chinese culture, u'll have to study for A LOT.