This seminar introduces students to how scholars think about religion and spirituality, which is different from our everyday understanding. Each week covers a different topic, such as belief, prayer, meditation, mysticism, ritual, scriptures, cults, etc. Seminar sessions focus on conversation and learning from one another. There will be a field trip to a site of religion or spirituality in the Santa Barbara area.

Prerequisites: Upper-division standing.



Pass no pass


1, 2, 3


Upper division only

Level Limit

Letters and science

Joseph Blankholm
45 reviews


HSSB 1237
14:00 PM - 14:50 PM
11 / 11 Full
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RGST13 . Blankholm J L 5 Months Ago

Absolutely loved this class. It completely changed the way I view the world and while the readings were dense at times, they were really rich. Everything graded pretty leniently and lots of opportunities for extra credit. Prof is clearly passionate about the subject and was very helpful in office hours.

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RGST13 . Blankholm J L 5 Months Ago

Incredibly performative and insincere in both his teaching and interactions with students. Texts were too long and dense for a GE class, the TA got me through them. Take this class if you don't care about your professor being full of himself and a fake activist. He masks this insincerity by being a dynamic speaker, but he is the worst.

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RGST13 . Blankholm J L 5 Months Ago

Professor Blankholm is a fantastic speaker. The content he speaks about is occasionally long-winded but he makes it engaging regardless. The readings are dense but get oversimplified during lecture (which is for the best). The tests require little studying/preperation if you consistently attend lecture and do the readings. Would recommend!

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RGST13 . Blankholm J L 5 Months Ago

I really enjoyed this class because I found the content to be really interesting. It's really reading heavy, and I struggled through a good bit of them, but my TA was super helpful. It was a lot of work, so not an easy GE but still a great class. If you go to class and do the readings you should do fine. Offers extra credit, helpful office hours

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RGST13 . Blankholm J L 6 Months Ago

Least favorite professor I've ever had. Very performative when it comes to social justice, and he has a raging superiority complex. Class was not as described in GOLD; readings were extremely dense and long for a GE arts class. Feigns respect for students' concerns and social justice issues. Overall, this class always left me feeling frustrated.

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RGST13 . Blankholm J L 6 Months Ago

RGST 35 is an awesome course, and so is this one. It was definitely more challenging, but it's also 5 units, so I think that is fair. It honestly changed my perspective about everything, not just religion and pop culture. He knows the material is difficult and adjusts to accommodate that. Take this class! It takes work but it's worth it.

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See all 45 reviews
16 / 20 Enrolled
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