In-depth study of special topics important for an understanding of German culture, drawing on a broad range of print and visual media, music and architecture. Topics will vary by instructor and may include: "Violence and Society", "Activist Cultures," "Sports and Nationalism," "Dissident Voices," "The politics of music," "Theater in German speaking countries." Taught in German.

Prerequisites: German 6 and 101A-B-C.





1, 2, 3



Level Limit

Letters and science

Christina Vagt
19 reviews
GER 117 Weber E Fall 2019 Total: 8
GER 117 Unterberger R Fall 2018 Total: 11
See All
CLIT35 . Vagt C 18 Days Ago

Honestly I was quite lost throughout this class; however, the criteria is very straightforward. The reading is heavy and confusing, but her lectures are pretty clarifying. The professor essentially tells you the exact questions that will be on the midterm/ final and she offers guidance on your paper if you seek it. An easy A if you put in effort.

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GER35 . Vagt C 26 Days Ago

Amazing class. One final and one midterm that she pretty much gives you the questions for. One final paper. Easy A and great teacher

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CLIT35 . Vagt C A Month Ago

At least two readings every week that are pretty dense but she'll try to break them down during lecture! The topics she presented throughout the course were kind of hard to understand but if you ever expressed confusion she would do her best to explain! Her midterm and final exam are very easy. One final essay as well (not too difficult).

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CLIT35 . Vagt C A Month Ago

She's nice but her lectures are very confusing - especially at the start. The language barrier does not help either. If you ask questions, she will answer and - she does want you to succeed, but the texts are difficult. The midterms and finals are ridiculously easy though. Final paper is very vague in instructions and much more difficult.

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CLIT148 . Vagt C 1 Year, 1 Month Ago

Class was confusing but professor is super kind. She genuinely cares about students and will give you good feedback if you ask her for help. There were def times when the readings/assignments confused me... but she was helpful during office hours.

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CLIT148 . Vagt C 1 Year, 1 Month Ago

There is weekly homework, but it is graded on a turn in/not turn in basis so do not worry about the amount! It is pretty confusing but grading is designed for everyone to do well. Not like other CLIT classes, attendance is mandatory, but she is pretty interesting. This class is meant to be confusing and it is!

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See all 19 reviews
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25 / 25 Full
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Evelyn Reder 4.9
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Evelyn Reder 4.9
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GER 179B
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100.0% A