A study of one of the greatest writers of the twentieth century: Jorge Luis Borges. Explores his various creative registers, from his short stories in the vein of fantastic literature, to his poetry and his work as an essayist. The perspective of the course is comparative around topics (some seminal, some relatively unexplored) that Borges treats across a variety of literary genres. Taught in English.
Grading1, 2, 3
Level LimitLetters and science
CollegeSolid professor, understanding, tough at times if midterm/tests don't go well, but open to be helpful. The class content itself was very hard, so he didn't do a bad job. Just follow the study guide/have those answers prepped in your head before the exam, and it'll be really straightforward (basically copy paste from study guide).
The professor was good. We had forum posts, quizzes, essays. The information is all in the lectures but sometimes the lectures felt like they were dragging on.
Dr. Castillo is an absolutely amazing professor. He is so knowledgable about literature, not just Spanish literature. He is hilarious and always has something to say about the readings. He is super helpful and very clearly lets you know what is expected of you. You don't necessarily need to do all the readings, but it helps so much. He's great.