The study of language as a social phenomenon, with emphasis on language use outside the U.S. context. Quantitative and qualitative approaches to regional and social dialects, register, linguistic power and solidarity, language contact and change, multilingualism, codeswitching, language shift and loss.
Grading1, 2, 3
Level LimitLetters and science
CollegeThis class was essentially cut in half due to the TA strike, so my grade was only based on 1 paper, the midterm, & participation. Attendance wasn't mandatory but class lectures were interesting. All the papers were super straightforward and short. The midterm was weirdly hard and lacked structure but they were flexible about dropping questions.
Professor zimman was incredibly laid back. Lecture was fairly interesting and data analysis papers were really pretty simple if you go to lecture. Jamal was an amazing TA and clarifies exactly how to do well on the data analyses. Final was fairly tough though. Attendance does not matter which is a plus. Records all lectures and understands GS.
This is my second class with ZImman and although it wasn't as easy as LING 132, I really enjoyed this class. Do the readings, don't leave assignments until the last minute, and make sure to be on good terms with your TA!! Your TA is an incredible resource for doing well in this class!
zimman is my favorite professor and this is my favorite course so far. super fascinating content and not a hard class at all. easy A if you understand materials. I would take all classes with him if I had the chance to. 2 exams and 3 quizzes and 3 papers, the papers were all on interesting topics. and extra credit write ups up to 5% of your grade
3 data analyses, sometimes bi weekly quizzes, not at all bad. Lectures are so interesting though, gives many visual aids. Lots of reading weekly for every lecture.
He's a really helpful professor. I went into his office hours and hes really great one on one. Also, you don't really need the textbook because all of his lectures cover the text. I mean you can skim the book but you don't really need it.