Numerical analysis and analytical solutions of problems described by linear and nonlinear differential equations with an emphasis on MATLAB. First and second order differential equations; systems of differential equations; linear algebraic equations, matrices and eigenvalues; boundary value problems; finite differences.

Prerequisites: ME 17 with a minimum grade of C-, or Chemical Engineering 132A.





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Eckart Meiburg
3 reviews
08:00 AM - 09:15 AM
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ME 140A Meiburg E H Fall 2021 Total: 6
ME 140A Meiburg E H Fall 2020 Total: 17
ME140A . 6 Years Ago

Lectures are pretty useful but also really boring so try to find a way to stay awake. Tests are open note (and open laptop) and very easy. Homework is quick and easy if you like MATLAB, otherwise might be long.

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ME140A . 14 Years Ago

Homework can be fairly long so start early. Lectures are very helpful as is the textbook. Need to clearly understand how the algorithm codes work to do well on tests.

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ME140B . 14 Years Ago

Only a five student class so we had no TA for help. Also did not post answers to homework, but homework is only 10% of grade. Midterm was easy. Final was hard and confusing. Can be difficult to study for since you only have your notes to go off of, but they are very thorough. Does grade on a curve.

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