Study of the conventional themes, structures, and visual motifs of the detective film. American films of the forties and fifties and contemporary American and Wuropean works will be considered.

Prerequisites: Film Studies 46 or upper-division standing.





1, 2, 3


Upper division only

Level Limit

Letters and science

GEs Area F
Anna Brusutti
162 reviews
11:00 AM - 13:20 PM
66 / 75
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FAMST 169 Brusutti A Fall 2023 Total: 85
FAMST 169 Brusutti A Fall 2022 Total: 97
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FAMST169 . 4 Months Ago

Lecture was 3 hours and twice a week. It was very long and got tired easily, but it was worth going in to see the movies. Half was lecture and other half was for the movie. Some were online, but not all. The essays and the quizzes were extremely easy. She is extremely nice. The final was fair.

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FAMST169 . 4 Months Ago

Took Brusutti's 46 and 169 classes last quarter; she was a wonderful lecturer for both. She made the course content interesting and was helpful to talk to when I had questions about the assignments. The writing is not too difficult is you engage with the concepts, not very tough. Would recommend her for both!

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FAMST169 . 2 Years Ago

watch 2 films per week right after lecture. lots of readings, but you dont need to do them-she'll mention the important ones in lec. shes very sweet and excited about film noir so her lectures are not boring. 2 papers + short written final, 1 quiz on films 1 on readings. everything take home. really fair and would def take another class of hers

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FAMST169 . 6 Years Ago

A professor who really knows her subjects. She can talk a little quiet so sit up close but her lectures are interesting, funny and she loves participation. Her exams and lectures are heavily based on the readings, additional links, and mentioned books or video. She loves if it you really dive in and go outside the class's subject matter on your own

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