Economic theory relating to demand, production, and competitive product markets with emphasis on applications of theory.
Grading1, 2, 3
Level LimitLetters and science
10A is difficult no mater what, but I really liked how he has sooo many practice exams to go through. If you do all of them twice and you are confident on the practice exams there is no reason you can't pass this class. You just gotta put it the time cause about half of you will fail so take that class seriously.
Econ 10 with him wasn't as hard as people make it seem. Midterms aren't bad if you study and put in the work. Lectures weren't that boring and tried to interact with the students.
Bro is actually so funny
I took him Fall 2022, course was tough but also everyone expects that going into it. Review old tests and study a lot and you'll be fine. Deschenes is probably the best econ professor I've had at UCSB so far and explained the topics of 10A pretty well. good luck
GO TO CLAS. 10A does not depend at all on the professor. They just read off the slides. CLAS highly reccomended.
Awesome professor! 10a is a super difficult class but he is a great lecturer and a fair grader. Definitely take his class for 10a!