Topics covered: atomic structure of matter; reaction stoichiometry; solution stoichiometry; gasses; quantum chemistry and the electronic structure of atoms; chemical bonding (molecular shapes, hybridization, and molecular orbital theory. First quarter of general chemistry intended for Chemistry Pre-Majors and Chemical Engineering Majors and others requiring astrong basis in chemistry.
Grading1, 2, 3
Level LimitLetters and science
CollegeShe is a difficult professor, and mostly lives up to her reputation. However as long as you do every single one of the practice problems assigned, you should be fine. She's definitely not the best at explaining some topics, but all the questions on her test are taken from practice problems she's assigned, so not too bad.
such a great personality and a great teacher, but AWFUL EXAMS. you basically have to memorize every single question you've seen and she has assigned order to do well. average is a C on all exams and final exam had no questions like the ones we practiced, in which i failed. be prepared to spend countless hours to get nothing out of it.
Professor Feldwinn was a decent teacher. She reads from her slides and asks for questions. She uses alkes and you HAVE to pay 100 dollars for the website. She does not understand your personal situations most of the time. And when the class starts at 8am she ends the attendance question at 8am that means getting there by 7:45am or so
Feldwinn's 1A class is notoriously challenging, but engaging with the textbook, practice problems, and resources like Unstuck study AI can help you navigate it. The lectures move quickly, so staying focused is key. It's a tough class, but doable with hard work.
Really a bad teacher. Believes pedagogy is unimportant. Prefers hard, obscure minutia over understanding. Unfriendly and unwelcoming. Would rather eat you with a side of fava beans than have you learn the course info. Eat me darby.
I would absolutely not recommend taking a class with Professor Feldwinn. Lectures are hard to follow, exams are very difficult, and the work load is completely unnecessary. Other chemistry 1B professors do not do quizzes, iclickers, use ALEKS problems on exams, and put such a big emphasis on book problems. We also got a terrible curve. Take Price.