Rate My Professors (88)

6C . Monahan L 9 Years Ago

Monahan is one of my favorite art history teachers I've taken. Above all, she makes art history fun and interesting, and listening to her in lecture I learned more than I could ever imagine there is to know behind art.

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ARTHI6C . Monahan L 9 Years Ago

This class was great. More reading than I could keep up with sometimes, but if you go to lecture and section discussions you'll be fine. TA's are really helpful and Professor Monahan is available for help when you need her. Overall fun class and great choice for a GE requirement.

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ARTHIS6C . Monahan L 9 Years Ago

You don't really need the course reader but for only a few assignments. Basically all the material on the midterm final are from her lectures so you NEED to go to lecture. She's pretty funny and energetic, very passionate about the material. I really enjoyed the class and would sign up for another lecture from her.

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ARTHI6C . Monahan L 9 Years Ago

The content of the class itself was interesting enough, but her attitude towards students made me hate the class. She's condescending and mean, taking time out of lecture to berate students for grades, showing up late, etc. Go to class and you should pass, as the contentassignments aren't hard. Section HW every week with mandatory attendance.

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ARTHISTORY6C . Monahan L 9 Years Ago

Going up to the midterm everything in the class is pretty straight forward, the different artistic movements easy to follow along with and comprehend. However, when the 20th Century comes around the art becomes much more abstract and subjective and it just gets confusing to know what information is important and each piece is given less attention

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ARTHISTORY6C . Monahan L 9 Years Ago

I took this class because of all the positive feedback I read on this website. I realize now that this subject is not my cup of tea. I did learn to appreciate art more, but I lost interest as the quarter progressed because art is way too subjective and irrational for me. If you are looking for a decent grade to fulfill a GE. STAY AWAY!!!!

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ARTHIS6C . Monahan L 9 Years Ago

A ton of art movements covered in this class everything goes by really fast. Missing one lecture puts you behind. They grade the tests harder than necessary for a GE, but it's not impossible to get an A. I really felt like I knew my stuff, went to every section and participated a lot, did every hw and still got a B+, however I didn't do the reading

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ARTHISTORY6C . Monahan L 9 Years Ago

She's passionate about what she teaches which is great! She explains concepts that I don't understand very well so even though she doesn't take attendance during lecture it is definitely necessary to go to do well. I'm not in her section so she didn't grade my essay or exams, but I think it was very fair. She is very clear about grading criteria.

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6CAND119E . Monahan L 9 Years Ago

I absolutely adore Professor Monahan. She is by far the best professor I have had at UCSB and I'm a third year. I'm a bio major but I added an art history minor because I liked Monahan's classes so much. She expects you to know the material well, but she is very helpful and understanding. She is also a very entertaining lecturer.

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ARTHIST119E . Monahan L 9 Years Ago

Lecture based, but she is funny and does great accents. Written assignments are interesting and if you show up to class, the quizzes are a breeze. Great instructor!

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ARTHISTORY6C . Monahan L 9 Years Ago

This Professor is amazing! I wasnt into Art history at all and I usually get C's in classes, but the fact that I got a B+ in this class says something. Pay attention in the lectures because they are on the exam. Go to lecture and get a B. The course consists of midterm final section and 1 1000 word essay (easy peasy). Her lectures are HILARIOUS!!!

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ARTHI6C . Monahan L 10 Years Ago

Professor Monahan was very unorganized (she forgot her lectures at home multiple times and had to improvise). Lectures were interesting but didn't really prepare you for exams. You really have to rely on your TAs for this class. Lots of reading but you don't necessarily have to do all of it. It's a lot of info so just skim the readings

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6C . Monahan L 10 Years Ago

One of the best professors at UCSB. If you have the opportunity to take a class with her DO IT! She's brilliant and makes her classes really fun. I took about 5 classes with her and loved them all.

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ARTHI6C . Monahan L 12 Years Ago

Professor Monahan must be given credit for teaching a dry subject at 8 AM. The class was easy as long as you could talk about every image in at least some detail. The reader gave some background but wikipedia was more useful.

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ARTHI6C . Monahan L 12 Years Ago

The most disorganized professor that works at this university. There is no evidence that backs up anything she says, and she thinks her quirkiness is "cute". My cheeks are numb because I'm constantly passing out in class with my face in my palm. Grading is unclear, and doesn't explain how to earn points for papers or exams. Do no take this class.

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ARTHI119G . Monahan L 12 Years Ago

Super nice, super helpful. A really fun class that I'm really glad I was able to take. She's really quirky, and somewhat unclear sometimes in lecture (as to what her point is). Overall, an awesome professor. Definitely recommend taking one of her classes.

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ARTHI119B . Monahan L 13 Years Ago

She is hilarious! I love how she makes fun of artists. Her tests are fairly easy. Coming from a non-art history major, the key to getting an A is to not write solely about the artistic elements. She focuses on the artists' intentions, and the social events surrounding the movement.

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ARTHIST . Monahan L 13 Years Ago

If there is one teacher that makes me what to punch myself in the face, this would be the one. She keeps talking, but nothing meaningful comes out. "You have all kinds of stuff going on and that stuff should be expressed." I've taken that quote directly from her lecture as I sit in right now. Her teaching is abysmal, and her communication is worse.

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ARTHI119B . Monahan L 14 Years Ago

Class is listed as "Contemporary Art," but we didn't even get to the 1980s until the last couple of weeks. Grading was never clear; we weren't told our grade on assignments, and no comments were made on the midterm to explain why I missed points on the essay section. Teacher is all over the place, thinks her craziness is charming.

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ARTHI119B . Monahan L 14 Years Ago

Monahan is a nice woman outside of class. However, she is an unorganized mess when she tries to teach. As an art history major, I struggled with this class. It is confusing and monahan loses the class during every lecture. She only poses questions, and never tries to answer them. No idea what grade was going into final, refuses to tell students!

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ARTHI6C . Monahan L 15 Years Ago

Before I took this class I had absolutely NO interest in modern art. After taking this class I gained an appreciation for it but I can't really say it was because of her. Her lectures were sometimes VERY confusing and she is so energetic it's sometimes scary! You do learn some interesting things though. Studied REALLY hard and got an A-

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ATHIS6C . Monahan L 15 Years Ago

Monahan is very energetic in her lectures and speaks kind of a kid language and it is interesting sometimes. But her tests are really hard. half the stuff i studied my eyes out for wasn't even on the test!

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ARTHI6C . Monahan L 15 Years Ago

do not take this class with her! i love this period of art and she made it impossible to understand, her lectures are scattered and either completely random or really repetitive. tests are ok, multiple choice and matching are the WORST but slide comparisons & short answers aren't bad

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ARTHI6C . Monahan L 15 Years Ago

Monohan is hilarious. She made class entertaining and very interesting, and was always joking about the paintings. Tests are not hard if you study, do the reading and go to section. She doesn't require memorization of names, locations, or dates.

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