
Rate My Professors (26)

EACS4A . 1 Year, 6 Months Ago

Lectures were unorganized and extremely difficult to follow.

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EACS4A . 1 Year, 6 Months Ago

sweet teacher and passionate about eacs !! however, for a ge, there was a quiz every lecture and a 10 page paper due right before the final. midterm and final were graded pretty harshly and you needed to remember basically everything and everyone you learned about.

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CLIT31 . 4 Years Ago

Lots of reading (several books+reader that was put on reserve). She puts up slides online after each lecture, though the lectures go deeper. Papers are based off of reading and prompts are simple, so you don't need lecture. Final is based off of primary reading sources, so secondary sources aren't important. Easy A if you do most of the reading.

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CLIT31 . 4 Years Ago

worst professor. so much reading. do not take her class. craziest GE i've ever written.

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JAPAN149 . 6 Years Ago

If you're not interested in the subject matter I suggest you not take this class. I found it boring as hell. There were literally people falling asleep during her lectures. There are two essays (40%) that she doesn't grade herself and has someone from the writing department who graded them too personally/ harsh. Final (40%) was accumulative.

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JAPAN111 . 9 Years Ago

Saltzman's not a lively lecturer, but she knows her Japan. Class is very discussion oriented and she expects people to participate (trust me, it gets boring when no one does). Course is simple: some papers and a final project, no tests at all; the reading isn't bad at all and actually tame compared to her other classes. Very Interesting material!

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JAPAN80 . 9 Years Ago

Her lectures are moderately clear, though she can be boring at times. What she focuses on does appear on the final though. She assigns 2 papers. Her final consists of ID's, short answers, and short essays. She seems willing to help.

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CLIT31 . 9 Years Ago

Lectures are long and too many, where she keeps repeating herself which makes it really confusing to understand what it is about and what is important to remember. A lot of reading, of which you are expected to do everything and remember every detail.

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JAPAN80 . 11 Years Ago

Wonderful and comprehensive. She's not a high energy lecturer, but her enthusiasm still shines though.

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JAPAN80 . 11 Years Ago

2 papers and 1 final that consists of IDs and short essays. There's too much reading assigned so I suggest that you just read the works needed for the papers and pay close attention in lecture. It'll help you get ready for the papers and final as well as section each week. Make sure you go to class and section.

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JAP181 . 11 Years Ago

Excellent teacher, just very hands-off. Class was mostly reviewing homework and the content was almost all self-study. She let us know exactly what she expected on the tests. No complaints.

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JAPAN80 . 11 Years Ago

Saltzman-Li is a great teacher who is passionate, eloquent, and really wants the students to learn. Very helpful, and understanding (office hours!). This class was a reading and writing class, focusing more on genres. 2 Papers, 1 Final. Coming to class is not required, but it's really important, because material on Final is lecture material.

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JAPAN149 . 12 Years Ago

She is a wonderful and passionate teacher. She is willing to clarify any questions if you visit her during office hours. I wasn't very into Japanese Drama, but I think I actually learned a good amount despite that. You should go to every class if you aren't familiar with Japanese culture. Pay attention, take notes, study a bit, and you'll do fine.

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CLIT31 . 14 Years Ago

She is very dedicated to her area of expertise and is well versed in the material. If you keep up with readings and write decently, you should do well. Also, she is very flexible and available for office hours.

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INT94MC . 15 Years Ago

This was a relatively easy and enjoyable seminar. It was about the origins of Japanese horror films. We were able to watch films and examine texts; there is a lot of discussion in this class.

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EACS4A . 16 Years Ago

She may know her stuff but she is horribly unorganized and her lectures lack focus. She also uses NO visual aids which makes lectures that much more painful and boring! I can't tell you how many times I took a nice long nap in her class. I love Japan, but she was able to make it boring.

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CLIT31 . 17 Years Ago

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CLIT31 . 17 Years Ago

AVOID THIS CLASS AT ALL COSTS! She rambles on all the time. There is A LOT of reading! So if you want a class that consumes all your time reading take this class. The readings are terrible. There is so much reading that you can't keep the story or the author or the title straight. Lecture is pointless, and she is SO boring!

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CLIT31 . 19 Years Ago

I'd rather pull my own toe nails than repeat this class. Not only is she impossible not to sleep through, but she was clearly not open to any criticism of class dynamics. Readings were pointless, and paper comments were unhelpful. Stay away!

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EACS4A . 19 Years Ago

I could have done so many better things than hear this professor lecture. The interest is there, the intent is there, but she is SO disorganized that there is no way you will get anything from her lectures. i found that she talked about random things and not overall arching connections.

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EACS4A . 19 Years Ago

She's okay, but half the time I was so bored with what she was saying. She was also really disorganized in her lectures.

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EACS4B . 19 Years Ago

Disorganized, focuses on trivial things, not very clear.

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CLIT31 . 19 Years Ago

This professor is very unclear and jumps around the material in an unorderly manner. The material would be interesting if it was taught in a different way. She speaks in a monotone voice.

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CLIT31 . 19 Years Ago

This class is so interesting and she is a very skilled and effective lecturer. Student must take time to really examine material to get most out of class. Watch out for what TA you get though, there are some really hard ones that do this class i.e. Karen Bishop

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