
Rate My Professors (53)

150A . 9 Years Ago

Attendance is not mandatory because basically all the information and needed for the midterm and the final are found in the reading . Technology poses an extreme obstacle for this Prof. Lectures are EXTREMELY boring she is even less personable one-on-one than she is whilst lecturing. Only grades that matter are your mid term and final.

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150A . 9 Years Ago

This class is horrible. Lectures are dry, she skips through slides FULL of text, doesn't post slides, and somehow sucks the life out of interesting material. Class is incredibly disorganized and the readings often don't have anything to do with lecture. She seems to give the same lecture over and over. Skips back and forth through time periods.

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11627 . 10 Years Ago

The information you learn in Nash's class is phenomenal. However, her class requires A LOT of reading. Staying on top of the reading and attend lecture and you will do well- but you have to be willing to put in the work.

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POLS105A . 10 Years Ago

Material is super interesting, but she presents it in the most boring way. She refused to use a microphone and she speaks so quietly. Attending lecture is definitely mandatory. Take intense notes in lecture and only doing the readings in the reader. The exams are ID's and essay prompts, heavy emphasis on name dropping and treaties.

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PS150A . 10 Years Ago

Sweet lady. She is so knowledgable about the content. She lived through the conflict in Lebanon and is just so full of rich detailed stories. She will make your heart sink at the last lecture, she truly cares about teaching and her students. Class is hard, but do all the reading and LISTEN to her lecture and you will get a good grade.

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GPS140 . 10 Years Ago

Amazing readings. Loved the content of the course. Horrible teacher that just rabbles on and says nothing. Interrupts students and is really rude.

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POL150A . 10 Years Ago

Incredibly knowledgeable about ME politics. Meet her during her office hours, and she'll give you another side of her life, outside of the academia. Very interesting woman. Class is fairly easy -- readings are simple, easy to manage, understand, etc. Go to class and take good notes, and you'll be fine.

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GPS196POL150A . 11 Years Ago

Extremely knowledgeable professor, extremely smart, always willing to meet with you and go over it. Subject matter is very intense so I do not recommend taking the course if it is not something you are interested in. She is a great resource if this is something in the field you want to do. Old fashioned teaching, which I liked! Do the Readings!

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POLS150A . 11 Years Ago

Easy if you do the reading, going to class is almost unnecessary and is more frustrating than anything else because the material is very dry. More of a history course than a political science course. Almost no reference to any sort of political concepts... mainly describes key people and historical events.

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POL150A . 11 Years Ago

EXTREMELY disorganized, don't expect any electronic resources aka gauchospace (she has ppts but the slides switch from giant pictures to walls of text). Knows her stuff but terribly dry. 40% midterm, 10% 2pg paper, and 50% final. Go to class& pay attention. Not an easy class, one of the worst upper-div profs in my experience. Avoid if you can.

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GPS136 . 12 Years Ago

Lecture is boring and she's hard to follow sometimes, but she has a sense of humor, and also reminds me of my grandma. But one of the most interesting classes I've taken, very insightful analysis of historical events surrounding war. A LOT of reading but but if you are interested in this kind of stuff you will enjoy reading it.

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POLS150A . 12 Years Ago

Really really disorganized. nice lady and very knowlegeable but class lacked consistency and failed to find key concepts. it was sort of like a bunch of historical facts without any sort of connecting big ideas. and her lectures were terrible

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PS105 . 12 Years Ago

She managed to turn a polisci class into a history class. Her lectures are fairly clear but not very interesting. There is lots of reading and a lot of reading and the exams will often test the reading specifically.

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PS105 . 12 Years Ago

I had her for PS 150A also... very smart and obviously has a great understanding of history, but relates this information very poorly to the course. Lecture and readings are often completely unrelated, and tests focus nearly exclusively on readings. Very boring (confusing?) lectures... We compared almost nothing in a COMPARATIVE politics class...

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GPS196 . 13 Years Ago

She is incredibly smart and seems to know just about everything. She is flat out brilliant, but she speaks in a monotone, goes on long tangents, repeats useless information, and has a hard time relating to the class. Most of her students seem to be at a complete loss when it comes to studying for her exams

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GLBL120 . 15 Years Ago

She is an incredible teacher! It is important to go to class, although most of the actual testing is from the large reader. Makes subjects interesting, extremely knowledgeable, and an easy class if you are involved.

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POLS150A . 15 Years Ago

She's awesome. Love her Sardonic humor and she knows SO MUCH. About everything. Tons of reading, but when you leave you know tons. Old fashioned way of teaching. I adore her.

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GPS136 . 15 Years Ago

I took GPS 136,137 and 196. Personally I loved her, she is soooo intelligent! She speaks with passion. All you need to do is read, and know about each section. Names authors and titles and you will get a A.

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GPS194 . 15 Years Ago

Professor Nash is extremely knowledgeable; make sure you visit her in her office hours. :) I loved talking to her outside of class; she knows her subject like the back of her hand. Final was relatively easy after attending all of the lectures; paper was worth 50% of the grade.

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POLS150A . 15 Years Ago

her lectures are fragmented and skip around chronologically. she does have a passion for middle east politics, and that shows a lot if you meet her in office hours. no paper, just middie and final

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GLOBA120 . 16 Years Ago

She is really nice prof. and ZDANOWICZ is also nice TA.

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GPS136 . 16 Years Ago

She teaches all of the GPS classes and PS 150. Assigns a lot of reading but you can be selective as she gives several options on the exams. Course is broken up into different topics so pick Remember some of the authors' last name and a quote from their article. Midterm, 1 small essay/ short a(1-2p) 1 detailed essay (2+pgs) Final, 2 small, 1 big.

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PS150A . 16 Years Ago

she assigns too much reading, but the subject material is interesting. the class itself was just an in-class essay midterm and final and it's definitely possible to get an A without doing all of the work if you attend lecture and take notes.

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GPS137 . 17 Years Ago

The class itself is easy as long as you read the articles and show that you did on the exam. What makes this class difficult is that Nash always seems to get the most nit picky TAs who grade harshly. Nash is cool, but most info comes from the readings. Come exam time, the TAs don't really take into account stuff from lecture so do the readings

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