
Rate My Professors (26)

CHEM25 . 2 Years Ago

Great concept to have a pre-chem 1a prep, but this class needs a lot of improvement. Firstly, it is way too test heavy and needs study guides and practice midterms. Instead, you are told to study the 1,000+ questions in chem 101 and textbook. Also, we were not told if the class would be curved or not. Overall hard class and needs work.

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CHEM25 . 2 Years Ago

While I think taking chem 25 is valuable to prepare for chem 1A, the professor isn't the greatest teacher and office hours aren't very helpful. I taught myself a lot just by doing practice problems in the book and chem 101 which is the only reason I did well

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CHEM25 . 2 Years Ago

Took this class because I genuinely had no chemistry knowledge and wasn't ready for 1A. People say it's not worth it but I got a great understanding of the basics, Menard is great at breaking things down and explaining concepts during lecture. Read the textbook, go to lecture/discussion, do textbook/chem101 practice problems and you'll be fine.

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CHEM25 . 2 Years Ago

A lot of people complain that chem25 is a waste of time but this class was very beneficial for me. He goes over basic chemistry and makes it easy to understand. The tests are not necessarily hard or easy, you just have to understand the material. Provides extra office hours before tests and the TAs are easy to contact.

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CHEM25 . 2 Years Ago

Professor Menard's class seems easy when he's teaching, but his tests are very hard. Your lowest test grade is the lowest percentage though, which is nice. My counselor told me I could only take this class (which wasn't true) bc I am undecided. Waste of a credit/money. Prof is so rude, passive aggressive, and not accommodating. Go to chem 1a.

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CHEM25 . 2 Years Ago

Took this class wanting to get a better understanding of chemistry before starting chem 1A in January but did not get that. Waste of a quarter, should have gone straight to chem 1A. Three midterms, quiz every week, and a final. Prof still debating whether or not he's going to curve the class even though most people are failing. Go straight to 1A

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CHEM25 . 2 Years Ago

This class was supposed to help me prepare for CHEM 1A; and we were supposed to go through 7 chapters. We did not even finish chapter 4, meaning we did not get to the stuff that's actually hard to understand in CHEM 1A, making this class a complete waste of my time. I got no extra preparation for the parts of CHEM 1A that I am most worried about.

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CHEM25 . 2 Years Ago

Go to class and PAY ATTENTION, do the readings, do the practice problems, and you'll be fine. I like how he gives you access to the lecture information on gauchospace, and he also likes to do fun demos in class. Overall, the class is fine, but I didn't really learn a ton.

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CHEM25 . 3 Years Ago

Whatever you do, DO NOT take this class. I took this class to prepare myself for Chem 1A. Chem 25 doesnt fulfill any requirements, meaning that I wasted a quarter and Im behind in my Pre-Bio major. Menard is incredibly rude and made me hate chemistry. Just take Chem 1A; don't make the same mistake I did.

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CHEM25 . 3 Years Ago

Honestly, Prof Menard wasn't bad but wasn't great either. He is a very very tough grader. He wouldn't give great tips to do better, he would just say "go to section" where the TAs did not know anything. There is a quiz every week and 3 tests plus a final. Too test heavy but his office hours were helpful

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CHEM25 . 3 Years Ago

Gab grades toughly in this class, no doubt. For perspective, I studied and did practice problems each weekday for 1 hour, consistently. I started doing this after the first test. My grade on the first test was a 70. After starting this, my grades shot up to 90+. You have to work for this class, just like the other chem classes. Big test of balance

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CHEM25 . 3 Years Ago

Professor Menard does very little to help his students even though the entire class was struggling. He was by far the least understanding professor I had this quarter. He grades tests extremely harshly and told us it was our fault we were failing, not his testing style. You'd be better off just watching khan academy review videos and taking Chem 1A

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CHEM25 . 3 Years Ago

CHEM25 is made up of 10 quizzes, 3 tests, and 1 final. He's a tough grader, however, fails to provide extensive help to better prepare yourself for the next test. We were told to "try harder", instead of being taught a different method or given a study guide. His lectures are basically an overview of the topic and his tests are extremely difficult.

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CHEM25 . 3 Years Ago

I chose to take Chem 25 because I wanted a more solid chemistry understanding before going into the gen chem series. I was not disappointed! Yes, the class is difficult, but if you go to lectures and do the necessary work, you'll be fine. Gab and TAs were always super accessible and willing to help, so definitely take advantage of their expertise!

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CHEM25 . 3 Years Ago

I took this Class in hopes of actually learning chemistry because I was taught very poorly in high school. Only graded on tests and quizzes which are graded harshly. I recommend going straight to chem 1a because at least you get credit, and its basically as rough.

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CHEM25 . 3 Years Ago

Took class online because of covid. lectures were recorded if you were unable to log on during his times. Weekly quizzes and tests graded harshly, even in COVID. Explained many concepts in more difficult words than necessary.

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CHEM25 . 3 Years Ago

I do not, by any means, recommend professor Menard. I took his Chem 25 class thinking it would be a chem refresher, and it was nothing close to what any of the students expected. The tests were incredibly hard and they were the only thing in the grade book. If you want to start with a good chem experience, take it with another professor. Trust me.

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CHEM25 . 3 Years Ago

I had experience with the notes and test answers being contradicting. Also a test that included a large amount of material we didnt learn yet. It seems that he doesnt communicate well with the TAs. The TAs often would go over material ahead of the lectures, therefore everyone stopped attending the discussion sections. I struggled a lot!

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CHEM25 . 3 Years Ago

Avoid taking any Chemistry class with Menard. I took the equivalent of this class before I transferred and received an A+. Took this as a refresher and it was wildly made more difficult than what you would expect in a regular Chem 1A class. The tests will make you want to end it all, and you won't expect the difficulty. Save yourself. Seriously.

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CHEM25 . 3 Years Ago

The lectures for this class are great. Textbook and problems are as well. However, the test does not reflect the same level of difficulty as the practice problems and includes things we havent learned. Tests are way more difficult than lecture and practice problems. Grades are only based on tests and quizzes. Professor and TA communication is poor

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CHEM25 . 3 Years Ago

With class average below a C, he said we "need to study more" and attend class (which we were). He did not take our concerns kindly and was very defensive blaming us. The teacher should not be the difficult part of the class, the material should be. Grading and attitude was horrible. Unaccommodating and rude, especially when class is all online.

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CHEM1C . 5 Years Ago

AMAZING PROFESSOR! Very approachable and tries his best to help you understand. Lectures are easy to follow and exams are very fair. He also holds office hours three times a week! He really cares and tries to help students succeed. You can tell he likes teaching and is not like other professors. Wiish I would of had him for chem 1A and 1B.

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CHEM173A . 5 Years Ago

Very nice professor, however most of the times lectures are confusing, and many topics are rushed through.

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173A . 6 Years Ago

Gab is awesome. His lecture is extremely helpful; I didn't touch a textbook all quarter. He does 80:20 board-work:powerpoint and thoroughly explains the material. 3 homework assignments all quarter, and although they're dense, the questions are similar to exam questions. Very helpful outside of class. Overall, 100% recommend Gab for any class.

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