Rate My Professors (28)

COMM137 . Stohl M S 7 Months Ago

Professor Stohl is a terrible lecturer he rambles about one topic for so long and ends up confusing everyone. His lectures are hard to follow and so boring. Class attendance was 10% because most students did not go. Your grade consisted of 2 papers with the final paper being about 25 pages.

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COMM137 . Stohl M S 10 Months Ago

Grades relatively hard on papers, nothing too crazy, but there's a lot of papers throughout the quarter. Fortunately these are "take home" though. Lectures tend to feel like droning on and on and it's easy to space out, fortunately, he doesn't test on minute details, but it's hard to get the motivation to go to lecture sometimes.

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130 . Stohl M S 1 Year, 2 Months Ago

Boring lecturer. Not engaginf whatsoever. He would put just a bunch of text up on the screen and read it word for word from the slides. Lectures felt like the lasted centuries. He was not personable or approachable. No multiple choice exams- only papers. Personally- I don't mind this structure, but if you dont like to write... SKIP this class fs.

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COMM130 . Stohl M S 1 Year, 10 Months Ago

If you don't enjoy writing about politics don't take this class. Grade based on 3 short papers + 16 page final. Grading criteria, while not clear is easy enough and the papers require very minimal reading if you're somewhat familiar with politics and media. Lectures are entertaining if you enjoy dry humor, but theres no need to attend class.

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COMM130 . Stohl M S 2 Years Ago

I would not recommend this class, even to fulfill a writing requirement. Your entire grade is based on 4 papers, all of which are based on a TON of dry readings. Lectures are also extremely boring and feel out of date.

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COMM130 . Stohl M S 2 Years Ago

Be mindful that this prof is extremely biased in his lectures. He also didn't want to help us unless there was a lot of participation in class; even when participation increased, he still didn't upload the lectures online. Not looking forward to our 16-page paper. There are 3 exams that are mildly difficult, so do the readings and go to lectures.

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COMM137 . Stohl M S 3 Years Ago

I haven't even finished the quarter yet and this class is insane. I have gotten A's on both of the exams, but the class is so DRY. I cannot sit and watch his lectures for more than 30 min at a time. Don't even get me started on the papers. The 16 page term paper and the final are due a week apart. Only take this class if you enjoy politics.

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COMM130 . Stohl M S 4 Years Ago

I've been waiting to write a review since the first day of this class. DO NOT TAKE! I signed up because I thought once a week watching movies would be fun... nope. Not until you have to write a 700-word essay every single week on journalism that he doesn't prepare you for. Lastly, RIP our TA the final is a 4,000 word (16 pages) essay + 2 take home

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COMM130 . Stohl M S 5 Years Ago

This guy is basically a walking encyclopedia, it's dope. Get prepared for some awesome dry humor and critical thinking. If you are looking for an easy A I wouldn't say this is the class to take, but if you have the time to prepare for his in-class essay (no notes) and final 16-page paper I highly suggest taking it. My favorite UCSB comm professor

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COMM130 . Stohl M S 5 Years Ago

I hate discussing politics, but I thoroughly enjoyed his course. Lectures are very interesting and easy to stay engaged while sitting in class. He has a lot of readings but most of them are relatively interesting. Stohl is a great professor

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COMM130 . Stohl M S 5 Years Ago

Final essay and exam are in the same week (practically). Very difficult to know how your writing can improve when you don't receive feedback in time. Additionally, a detailed rubric labeling point system for essay should be given to students. Clear feedback and a more detailed grading criteria is needed for me to take another class of his.

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COMM137 . Stohl M S 7 Years Ago

This class was an interesting class and Professor Stohl has a lot knowlege when it comes to global communication/ politics, but I have never written so much in so little time. Huge paper (15 pages) due week before the final, then a take home final consisting of two 4 page papers. It was just too much so don't take if your not an essay person.

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COMM130 . Stohl M S 7 Years Ago

Professor Stohl is clearly knowledgeable but makes an interesting topic seem dry. I was excited for this class because it combines material from both of my majors, but I don't feel like I learned anything. He gives little to no feedback on assignments and the paper and final are within a week of each other, so you have no way of knowing your grade.

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COMM130 . Stohl M S 7 Years Ago

This class was very boring... the readings were much more interesting than the lecture. Worst grade I've ever gotten, plus assigned 6,500 words of papers in the last two weeks of class. Definitely don't recommend

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COMM130 . Stohl M S 7 Years Ago

I thought this class was going to be so much more than it actually was. Prof. Stohl is a nice man, but I didn't learn anything in his class. He also is a really harsh grader, which would be fine if he actually provided feedback and reports on how your doing. Super unorganized class and impossible to get an A, take something else.

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COMM130 . Stohl M S 10 Years Ago

Great professor. Extremely intelligent and if you come to class you will definitely learn a lot. These are the communication classes you should be taking at UCSB if you want to learn real-world stuff!

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153153 . Stohl M S 11 Years Ago

Just terrible. Way, way, way, removed from the current generation.

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COMM137 . Stohl M S 12 Years Ago

I tried my best to avoid a Stohl class, but it was inevitable. Lecture is dull like Stohl's personality; 1.5hrs of extreme boredom. Material won't click if you're uninterested in politics, which is roughly the majority of students. He reads off Powerpoints and has a sign-in sheet. 3 essays are assigned (midterm, final, additional essay). Rely on TA

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COMM137 . Stohl M S 14 Years Ago

People are scared of this class because of the 15 page research paper, but Stohl is an extremely intelligent and interesting professor. I learned a lot from this class and really enjoyed his lectures. He is funny and really knows his stuff. Not an easy class by any means, but a great class. Take him! Don't be scared!

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COMM130 . Stohl M S 17 Years Ago

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COOMM130 . Stohl M S 18 Years Ago

I took his political communication class. the class was intersting but he was not very clear on his lectures as to what was important to know and what he was just going off on. He is a nice man outside of class but I always felt i was imposing on him when asking a question.

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130137 . Stohl M S 18 Years Ago

As a Comm major, I found these classes to be ones in which I actually learned something useful. The classes are a hybrid between communication and modern politics- very interesting. However, if you don't like to write, these are probably not classes for you- they each have a 15-page paper. If you want to learn, take this class. Slackers, don't.

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COCMM122B . Stohl M S 19 Years Ago

I took this class over summer and I like the subject matter, but it was so boring. The material is really based on examples, and not hard theories. I didn't think the professor was difficult, I thought that sitting through 3 hours of lecture was difficul

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POLITICALCOMM . Stohl M S 19 Years Ago

Boring. BOttom Line. You won't learn anything besides Entman's triangle. oh and the concept of gatekeepr. Easy B/A but so boring and worthless. uninspiring.

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