
Rate My Professors (37)

ECON134 . 13 Years Ago

Don't bother with the book or lecture, just do the "Test your understanding" exercises she puts out, and you'll get an "A."

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ECON134 . 13 Years Ago

Yes, it's a difficult class. That being said, with hard work (and horrible math skills to begin with) I managed to pull an A- in the class. 3 "quizzes" compile your entire grade, your 2 highest scores make up 90% and the lowest for 10%, so even if you fail one of the quizzes you can still do well. STUDY ALL PRACTICE PROBLEMS SHE ASSIGNS TO DO WELL!

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ECON134A . 13 Years Ago

One of the worst Econ profs I've had at UCSB. And that's saying something. You're better off skipping class and teaching yourself.

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ECON134 . 13 Years Ago

Even though some of these comments are true, I did not think Mehra was that bad. While she makes mistakes, she is one of the few Econ profs who goes into detailed explanations of the mathematical procedures. Her test were hard but very fair. I was never shocked by what I saw, but the problems themselves can be very long and complicated.

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ECON134A . 13 Years Ago

Horrible class ever. She and her TA kept making so many mistakes and confused us, even Econ is confusing already. the quizzes were from out of nowhere. But you have to take it to complete your major. Luck is all you need for this horrible class.

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ECON134A . 14 Years Ago

The class itself is not hard. Both lecture and section are a complete waste of time, so don't bother going. Best way to get an A is to study all the practice questions, homework (not mandatory), and practice exams she gives out prior to each test. Do them each several times. The solution manual is on reserve. Allow yourself 48 hours to cram.

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ECON134 . 14 Years Ago

worst teacher I have ever had at UCSB, the only thing she is good at is making mistakes and confusing students. practice exams looks nothing like the final, expect the final to be extremely difficult. dont bother going to class, she will just confuse you,

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ECON134A . 14 Years Ago

This class was terrible. She constantly makes mistakes, and asks the class the dumbest questions. Her practice exams look absolutely nothing like the real exams. I have no idea why she is a professor at UCSB. Instead of fee hiking us, they should fire her and use the salary for something worthwhile. Dont go. Good luck, you're going to need it.

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ECON134 . 14 Years Ago

The midterm would be pretty easy if you can do the exercises in the text.The professor goes very fast and I surely wouldn't understand the content w/o the basics I had from my home country. The professor's always rushin when xplaining problem and she always wrote n miscalculate the #, thus made me confused.

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ECON134A . 14 Years Ago

Terrible, Horrendous, and Awful are the first three words that come to mind when describing this teacher and class. Attendance is absolutely not necessary and can actually make it more difficult to learn since Mehra and her TAs make so many mistakes. I suggest reading the book and never going to class since going to class makes it more confusing.

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ECON134A . 14 Years Ago

This class is not easy and it is even harder when Prof. Mehra and all her TA's constantly make mistakes up until and through the very day of the final. This class takes a lot of work on your own because lectures are many times shotty with Mehra. Look for another prof. if possible. I loathed this class and its inept team of instructors.

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ECON134 . 14 Years Ago

This class sucked. Did the workbook problems and the practice final problems. looked nothing like the actual final. what a joke. complete nonsense, avoid at all costs.

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ECON134 . 14 Years Ago

This class was terrible. She teaches everything so backward and just vomits the forumlas without really "teaching" anything. Asks stupid questions to the class and constantly tells us "you're paying to listen to me talk". Dont go to lecture because its useless. If i had one hour to live id go to this class because it feels like an enternity.

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ECON134A . 14 Years Ago

Absolutely horrible

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ECON134A . 16 Years Ago

This class was a joke. Homework was worth 50% of your grade, and if you did better on the final than the midterm then that was worth your other 50%. The final was composed of 2 problems from the text book and two from the practice problems she gave. Can't get any easier than that. Go to CLAS for the homework and do the text problems and get an A!

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ECON136A . 16 Years Ago

I felt like...I was wasting my tuition taking this class. The lecture is not helpful at all. It is too hard to understand and it does not seem like the professor herself is confused sometimes. No one really attends the class. I learned mroe from reading the textbook and going to the section (though my TA was not so enthusiastic about teaching).

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ECON134A . 16 Years Ago

Not very knowledgeable on the subject. Lectures were confusing. Online notes went off on tangents. However, her tests were very predictable and manageable.

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ECON134A . 17 Years Ago

Her class was a joke, she screwed everyone over with her grades. If you went in and check your tests you got bumped up like an entire letter cause whoever graded them was not the smartest in the world.

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ECON134A . 17 Years Ago

It makes me laugh wen I see most of the econ professors are being hated in UCSB. She is not helpful at all. I went to a couple of lectures before midterm 1 and rarely went afterward becuase I couldn't understand her at all. It's better to go to CLAS or section and learn on your own because you can't depend on her to learn anything.

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ECON134A . 17 Years Ago

Horrendously bad. Lecture notes are given online, which helps because lectures themselves are sleep-inducing or irrelevant. Incredibly defensive. She didn't give us enough time for the first midterm and insisted that this was not a problem because of the structure of the class. Sample tests and review questions only tangentially related to exams.

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ECON134B . 17 Years Ago

she helped get where i am today

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ECON134A . 17 Years Ago

i hate this woman. she is the worst professor i've had. she does not know how to teach and her class was the hardest class i've taken.

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ECON134A . 17 Years Ago

lecture slides given. dont need to go to class. but tests harder than you would think

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ECON134A . 17 Years Ago

her lectures are beyond irrelevant. this woman rambles on and on about her stock portfolio, her credentials, her husband, etc. without ever really teaching anything useful or clear. it's a shame it's a req'd course because this was the most paingul experience out of 4 yrs of econ @ ucsb. she's so smug and condescending....ughhhh

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