
Rate My Professors (48)

CMLIT119 . 16 Years Ago

I am not a sociology major, so this was not the best class for me. I used to love pyschology, but this class gt me over that. This was the most useless, airy, fairy, class...There was no scientific evidence, it is irrelevant. Unless this is your major, I would not take this class, there is no real world application, it si self indulgent,

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ENG152A . 16 Years Ago

I really loved this teacher, but she is not working at a surface level. I followed her thinking closely and was rewarded by great insight. I think it was better than a regular Chaucer class, but it might not be everybody's cup of tea. There is a close focus on the psychological factors of creativity. Exams were not easy, but no tricks.

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ENGL101 . 16 Years Ago

Didn't like class initially, but grew to love it. Lots of reading, but it's good reading. Lectures are a bit distracted, but this professor is really intelligent, and loves her subject. Midterms aren't all that hard, as long as you have a sparknotes-ish level of knowledge of the readings. She doesn't try to trick you with super-specifics. Good class

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ENGL101 . 17 Years Ago

She does go off on tangents a lot, but she's extremely intelligent and I feel like she sincerely wants you to learn the material. She's not always on topic, but she gives you things about the topic to think about by basically analyzing everything. I find her quirkiness charming and cute. She teaches a lot of life lessons I think.

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CLIT119 . 17 Years Ago

i came into the class excited and ended up dropping because i felt it was a waste of time. she rambles on for an hour and a half about absolutely nothing and her voice is monotonous to the point where it became a real struggle just to stay awake.

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ENGL197 . 17 Years Ago

Aranye is a good teacher. This was a Senior English seminar and she did a good job of balancing guidance/insight from her end with class contribution. Moreover, I HATED Chaucer in High School, and I grew to love him because of her. However, I missed two classes and she freaked out and forced me to withdrawal. So attend class if she takes roll.

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ENGL101 . 17 Years Ago

Every time I left her lecture i felt confused, depressed and slightly outraged. She rambled so much that I never knew what anything had to do with the text that was assigned on the syllabus. Overall, I consider her the worst professor I have ever encountered at UCSB.

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ENG193 . 17 Years Ago

She's wonderful!

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ENGL101 . 17 Years Ago

She rambles a lot, and she rarely finishes a sentence that's relevant to the class. She goes off on tangents regularly and does not usually relate them back to the subject of the lecture. STAY AWAY, its a snore fest.

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CLIT119 . 18 Years Ago

so hilarious, i also loved how she related many things to poop. sooooooooo funny. but yeah, super sweet lady.

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CLIT119 . 18 Years Ago

super sweet lady, cares about her students and is an easy grader. i highly recommend

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CLIT119 . 18 Years Ago

Quite possibly the best professor I have ever had. She really cares about the students and is very passionate about psychoanalytic theory. I totally recommend this class!!

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COMP119 . 18 Years Ago

wonderful teacher, she side tracks alot but you get use to it. she relates everything back to pooping and it cracks me up. ahahaha

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CLIT119 . 18 Years Ago

very passionate and sexy. slightly confusing and unclear on essay expectations. strange exam questions as well. i would recommend running ideas by her during office hours to make sure you're on the same page.

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CNTTALES . 18 Years Ago

Quite simply, one of the best professor I have ever had. I am now completing my PhD (at a different univeristy than UCSB) and still look back on her as an inspiration and an example. Sensational!!!!

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COMPLIT119 . 19 Years Ago

Aside from being very fashion conscious, she's very passionate about Psychoanalytical Theory. Too bad we never followed syllabus and she says "Um" or "You Know" every 10 seconds. Other than that it was a fascinating class.

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CHAUCER . 19 Years Ago

She was evil and changed the midterm format from multiple choice to essay by e-mail the night before the exam!

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One of my favorite professors. Really loved her take on things and her offbeat appearance.

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ENGLISH115192 . 19 Years Ago

She was so enthusiastic about everything she taught...though she continued to tell the class how big of a crush she had on Chaucer!

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ENGL115 . 19 Years Ago

She's got some interesting ideas but her class is completely unfocused and strays from actual textual study in every sense. Focused on theory but not in that much detail, so I felt like I learned basically nothing...I don't recommend her as a teacher, though she is charismatic and amusing.

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ENG111 . 19 Years Ago

Really disliked her lecture style, she focuses almost entirely on theory with only the vaguest ties to the actual texts. The syllabus was awesome, to bad the lectures put me to sleep Every. Single. Time. Avoid her unless you like lots of cat stories.

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CLIT119 . 19 Years Ago

she was awesome very personable, very cheery and excited about her material.

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CHAUCER . 19 Years Ago

Smart woman, poor teacher. She's scatterbrained, unclear, often late, disorganized. She underrates both her students and Chaucer by teaching theory without telling them she's doing so, or explaining the worth or relevance of the theory. Her one stellar point: she's passionate about Middle English.

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ENG152A . 20 Years Ago

She's wonderful and my favorite professor at UCSB. She cares so much about her students and about teaching us what she knows. She's a bit scattered at times but is extremely intelligent and asks really thought provoking questions.

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