Leeann Kryder

28 reviews
Caring Group projects Gives good feedback Respected Clear grading criteria Would take again Inspirational Lots of homework Accessible outside class
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WRIT107EP . 4 Years Ago

Dr. Kryder has been one of my favorite professors at UCSB so far! She's so sweet and really wants her students to do well, I highly recommend her and this class. There is a group project, but you do it over the course of the quarter in segments which helps a lot with the workload. You really do learn how to write professionally. Very helpful class!

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WRIT109EP . 5 Years Ago

So I don't recommend to buy the textbook because I got an A- & I never used it. The most important part is to turn in all her assignments and get a good grade on the group project. Honestly, I kinda didn't pay attention sometimes but as long as you get the main idea of what she wants then you're good. This class was helpful for the real world.

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WRIT109ES . 7 Years Ago

Take this class is you're an ES major! You learn to write cover memos, proposals, brochures, and other important things you'll probably have to do in your future career. Super easy until the final project (proposal), but as long as everyone puts in their fair share of work it should be fine. And Kryder is very sweet and easy.

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WRIT109ES . 9 Years Ago

AMAZING COURSE! Incredibly helpful for learning how to function in professional settings. Learned how to write memos, cover letters, resumes, and ended the class with a group proposal project. I am very happy I took this course.

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48827 . 9 Years Ago

I had Dr. Kryder for Writing 2LK and she's an absolute sweetheart. The class was wonderful and relevant to my major (Env. Studies) and was much less stressful and difficult than Writing 2. She's an easy grader, as long as you include everything she wants in your essays. Show that you're putting in effort and you should have no problem getting an A

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ENVS160 . 9 Years Ago

Absolutely love this professor. She speaks a little slower so you need a little patience if you're used to very quick-paced classes. She is so sweet and is very in tune and connected with the students. Gives great feedback, very clear on what she requires on assignments, and is very flexible. Open book final. Must take her if you get the chance

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WRIT2LK . 9 Years Ago

Good teacher. Really cares about her students. She can make you feel like you're talking to your grandma at times so just stay patient. Took the Enviro linked writing but she ended up teaching us a lot of things that have real world use like how to properly write a memo or an email.

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WRIT2LK107B . 10 Years Ago

Kryder is a really good professor. i had her for 2LK and 107B. Lectures can get boring at times. She cares about her students a lot. Her method of writing, "bottom line" writing, is very relatable to writing in the work life. Do not underestimate her kindness. If you are struggling, go to office hours.

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ES160 . 10 Years Ago

Overemphasizes the portion of participation in your grade. It was a whopping 40% of our grade. She assigns useless assignments and talked down to students who showed up late. I felt like I was in high school with the importance of attendance in the course. She also feels that her course is the most important thing in the universe. Avoid this class

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WRIT2LK . 12 Years Ago

She really liked drawing maps of Girvetz even though you knew where it was. But she's cool.

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WRIT109E . 14 Years Ago

Really helpful professor, follows up with students and really tries to make sure you're on track and provide good feedback...changes deadlines a lot, but usually are extensions, and makes it clear that the deadline is changed. The "A student" who commented before has way too much of a sense of entitlement...Kryder cares about teaching.

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WRIT109 . 14 Years Ago

DO NOT TAKE A CLASS WITH KRYDER! She changes deadlines so you never know when anything is due. She rambles on past the end of class, leaving no time for important stuff. She grades on a whim and introduces requirements that she marks your grade down for, but never tells you what you have to do for assignments before grading. Absolutely horrible!

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