PHYS 150
Anthony Zee
19 reviews

PHYS150 . Zee A 3 Years Ago

If you dont mind his somewhat tough stance towards the students, he is one of the best professors in physics. Very insightful and intuitive, like his nutshell series.

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PHYS150 . Zee A 4 Years Ago

I have taken many physics classes, but Zee's class gives me a feeling that he is actually trying to help me become a physicist. This class: fly by night physics, has all four core physics classes, mechanics, EM, quantum, and thermo, as prerequisite. He offers a way of thinking that combs through all four subjects elegantly.

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PHYS120 . Zee A 3 Years Ago

Getting a good grade is pretty easy. Also there is extra credit to boost your letter grade one level up. (So like A to A+). Some stuffs he taught seemed easy but hard to realize when you should use it. Lecture notes are not eligible but if you listen to lecture it would be fine. He s an old man trying to catch up with tech so its understandable.

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PHYS120 . Zee A 3 Years Ago

Amazed by his stretch of mind and sharp intuition. Included common techniques(Landau common) in hw/exams. Just so brilliant. Hints are VERY on point, seriously. Wants students be independent. Wish I can think like him and makes physical sense out of random problems. Could be harsh on language. Just ask aggressively until un-confused. He likes that.

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PHYS120 . Zee A 3 Years Ago

Says every question is "trivial" or "elementary" because he doesn't want to give an actual answer. Learned nothing. Easy class

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PHYS120 . Zee A 4 Years Ago

Doesn't have a course website to force people to attend his poor lectures. Homeworks are often a few questions taken from textbooks and are simply not well conceived to challenge understanding of material. Midterm was too easy and final was too hard. Lectures are very boring and course is repetitive and not very rigorous. Waste of time.

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ASTRO1 . Zee A 6 Years Ago

He is the worse human being I have ever seen. His word is full of arrogant; he cannot stop talking what his Harvard and Princeton identity, and always talks about the books he wrote. He is afraid of none of us knowing who he is; he only cares about himself. Please don't come to his office hour, or you will think yourself made wrong decision.

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ASTRO1 . Zee A 15 Years Ago

The lectures are useless unless its the day before the final or midterm. His lectures on consist of things that must be read before the lectures, so all you need to do is read all the chapters and you will mass the class. I got a PASS

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ASTRO1 . Zee A 15 Years Ago

He always says that he is a "theoretical physicist" and has written many books... Didn't pertain to astro. HW is due every Fri and is mostly difficult and math-oriented; tests were multiple choice and didn't involve a lot of math. I got a B in the class at 60%, yet didn't like the class. He yelled at student once for asking a "stupid question".

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ASTRO1 . Zee A 15 Years Ago

No need to go to class. Just read the text and you should do alright. But its hard to grasp the concepts and hes not always willing to help so that kinda screws you over. I wouldn't recommend a class taught by him to anyone.

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ASTRO1 . Zee A 15 Years Ago

Horrible teacher. Has no business working with students. He tells his students if they don't understand a section they should drop the class. Lectures greatly differed from assignments. Does not understand that which is not science. Lectures were pointless. Only did well in the class because I switched to pass/not pass. DON'T TAKE HIS CLASS!

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ASTRO1 . Zee A 15 Years Ago

Midterms and final were really difficult so reading the textbook is a must. First part of the course also involves a lot of math so if you are looking for an easy science don't take this class. He really cares about his students grades so the curve is really generous.

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ASTRO1 . Zee A 15 Years Ago

professor zee is a really nice guy. his lectures seemed really repetitive. i got bored a lot and fell asleep quite a few times. the class is the most important tool. some of the homework seemed irrelevant to the tests. he is a really nice teacher, trying to help everyone get a good grade. it was a overall decent class.

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ASTRO1 . Zee A 15 Years Ago

Though I managed to get a good grade, it was no thanks to Prof Zee. He just told everyone to drop the class if they were having a hard time understanding the material. It was good to go to lectures because he gave you a good idea of what to read in the book for the tests, but they kind of droned on and were sometimes difficult to understand.

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ASTRO1 . Zee A 15 Years Ago

Professor Zee is an intelligent and organized professor. His lecture only scratch the surface of the tests, which means you'll actually have to do the reading. He is not arrogant and I did not feel offended by any of his remarks. This was clearly his first time teaching a large class, and he did a fine job.

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ASTRO1 . Zee A 15 Years Ago

He teaches an interesting subject, but his lectures are a drag and barely cover the material in the book. If you read the book, you will learn more than in lectures, so you really don't have to go. He claims that he's helpful, but he doesn't answer questions and he makes students feel dumb for the questions they ask. I wouldn't take his class again

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ASTRO1 . Zee A 15 Years Ago

He's extremely condescending and treats us like were all idiots. It's painful just listening to some of the rude things he says to us, then listening to him espouse what a nice and charitable teacher he is. Then he repeats over and over again the same compliments of himself. Not so amusing.

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ASTRO1 . Zee A 15 Years Ago

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ASTRO1 . Zee A 15 Years Ago

He treats his students like they are stupid. Don't even bother going in for office hours because he is not willing to help. I went in for help on a hw prob that i was having trouble on and he said that he would not help me with hw probs even though i had already done the prob. he told me i wasn't thinking at all and should consider dropping astro

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