Robert (Bob) Kennedy
159 reviews

LING15 . Kennedy R A 3 Months Ago

Great & funny guy, good area C GE since you're not really doing math. Class can be VERY tiresome because the topic isn't all that interesting. Exams are short and not heavily weighted. Bombed my exams and still got a B. Short weekly online quizzes you can redo until you get full points. Can be confusing at times but would recommend. He loves memes!

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LING15 . Kennedy R A 8 Months Ago

Slideshow with no pictures guide lectures. Material is generally dry for someone with basic background knowledge in linguistics, with occasional jokes. Concepts are well explained with examples used to parse out distinctions. Weekly checkpoints have an unlimited number of attempts and usually detailed feedback.

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L15 . Kennedy R A 10 Months Ago

best memer

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LING15 . Kennedy R A 1 Year, 2 Months Ago

While not many students would attend his lectures in-person but rather online via zoom. He seems very passionate about teaching the material. Easy GE class to take by just being graded on a few things: weekly checkpoint quizzes, midterm, and a final along with your section attendance.

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LING15 . Kennedy R A 2 Years Ago

Super flexible, caring, understanding of student's situations and worries about covid. Tried very hard to relate to students and make it an enjoyable experience. Lectures and slides were posted and they had all the information you needed. Great professor, highly recommend.

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LING15 . Kennedy R A 2 Years Ago

Lecture always recorded, sections optional if make-up work is done. Prof was very communicative and wanted to give easy points where he could. Pretty flexible and nice! Grading was a little inconsistent though... Super difficult midterm (5+ hours, scored a C) but final was a breeze (30 min, scored an A+). Content was clear.

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LING15 . Kennedy R A 2 Years Ago

bob is genuinely one of the better professors on campus. he's very understanding and is always pretty willing to help with extenuating circumstances that might make class hard. he's fantastic with giving feedback and helps his students understand the material really well. I'd take him again for any of his other courses!

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LING15 . Kennedy R A 2 Years Ago

Prof. Kennedy is a very caring and understanding professor. He makes funny jokes during lecture and is passionate about his area. Weekly checkpoints, but they're guaranteed 100%. Section is mandatory. Midterm and final are not that tough if you follow along. Easy GE if you need it, would def recommend

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L15 . Kennedy R A 2 Years Ago

Professor Kennedy was an amazing professor who deeply cares about his students. His lectures are entertaining and he includes breaks and humor. The class is mostly made up of weekly quizzes, but you can check the answers before you submit so you're guaranteed to get 100% in this category. He's one of the best professors I've had at UCSB!

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L15 . Kennedy R A 2 Years Ago

Very nice and funny guy. On april fools he rick rolled everybody. Funniest professor I've had. assignments are guaranteed 100 and attendance is just show up and just exists and you'll get a 100. The exams were kinda hard for me even though they were open note but I think its fine considering every other grading criteria is basically guaranteed 100.

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LING15 . Kennedy R A 2 Years Ago

Dr. Kennedy is one of the nicest professors at UCSB, if not the nicest. You can tell he really enjoys the material he teaches and cares about his students. Definitely take any course you can with him, you won't regret it!

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LING15 . Kennedy R A 3 Years Ago

Third time taking Prof. Kennedy. Very amazing lectures. Most of the grade will depend on the self-checking assignment, easy full point.

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LING15 . Kennedy R A 4 Years Ago

Bob Kennedy, what a man. Great professor, super laid back and chill. Content is interesting and covers some GE's. Really accommodated for the COVID-19 circumstances, and cares about his students a lot. Very communicative, and sections are optional. Take him and LING 15 if you can!

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LING15 . Kennedy R A 4 Years Ago

Bob is the best, I absolutely love him and his class. He's funny, considerate, and passionate about his subject. I think he really wants the best for his students, and has been very accommodating with the current circumstances. Definitely one of my favorite professors I've had so far at UCSB!

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LING15 . Kennedy R A 4 Years Ago

Had Prof. Kennedy for LING 15 and let me say, he was easily the most accommodating and empathetic professor I have had in my time at UCSB. Understood the students point of view during the coronavirus pandemic and adjusted the class accordingly so that students could gain a real understanding of linguistics while not giving students anymore stress.

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LING15 . Kennedy R A 4 Years Ago

I took ling 15 online during quarantine and he honestly was so clutch during it. He adjusted the grading so that assignments were worth 70% and the midterm and final were both 15%. His lectures were entertaining and he was really really accommodating. I am so freaking glad I took this class

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LING15 . Kennedy R A 4 Years Ago

I LOVE Bob, he's funny and sweet and he seems to genuinely care about his students. He seems to prioritize that everyone learns more than trying to punish students with tough grading, and is clearly very passionate about his subject. I highly recommend that anyone take a course from him, no matter the major. Definitely worth the time!

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LING15 . Kennedy R A 4 Years Ago

I thought I would take this course after taking LING 70. HUGE mistake. I took it mainly for Area C and should have just taken a math course. If you are not interested in the technicality of how language works, phonemes, sound waves, frequencies of sounds etc..., you will find this class so so boring. I so regret it. Class would go the FULL 75mins.

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LING15 . Kennedy R A 5 Years Ago

Kennedy's voice is very monotone, and the class wasn't what I expected from an into linguistics class. It was math heavy in languages and not very interesting. Kennedy is a nice guy and always tells "dad" jokes. 1 midterm & final (25% each) with MC/free response. Not my favorite subject, but Kennedy cares a lot about his students.

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LING15 . Kennedy R A 5 Years Ago

Tough professor and class, would recommend ling 70...

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LING15 . Kennedy R A 5 Years Ago

For a class about language, his control of English is certainly lacking. In many cases, particularly on homework assignments, the questions were very poorly worded, so much so that most time spent in section was spent with the TAs apologizing for the poor wording and explaining what it is meant to ask. Lectures are more example than content based.

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LING15 . Kennedy R A 5 Years Ago

He's a great prof and if you've ever taken a ling class before, the lecture will be super easy to understand. I didn't go to most lectures and I rarely did the readings. just make sure you ask your TAs or Prof about homework because that's worth a LOT of your grade. also take advantage of the EC he offers!!

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LING15 . Kennedy R A 5 Years Ago

Awful class with an unhelpful professor and TA's. Don't take this class if you want an easy GE, I advised Ling 70 for that.

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LING15 . Kennedy R A 5 Years Ago

This is the worst class I have ever taken at UCSB. LING 15 has no structure, there is no textbook being followed ad everything graded is on a whim because the professor doesn't know what he wants to count as incorrect or not. DO NOT take this class.

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