ECE 595E
Hua Lee
29 reviews

ECE130A . 7 Years Ago

I had him as TA for EE130ABC. He was more helpful than the professor. Great guy, always went out of the way to help you. Knew lots of math tricks. His english was a bit rough .

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ECE258 . 8 Years Ago

He called me the Unibomber in class when I was wearing a hat 10/10 would take class again

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ECE2A . 9 Years Ago

Class is pretty easy until around week 7. Don't bother asking any questions in lecture, he just avoids them and goes on with his own lecture.

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ECE130B . 9 Years Ago

Don't ask questions in class, he won't answer them. He will give you a vague answer and make you feel like a moron. Don't wear a hat in class, he will make you take it off because it shows lesser intelligence. He's funny yet very condescending. Go to lecture because he does show some helpful math tricks. Easy HWs, difficult tests.

6 helpful 1 unhelpful
ECE2A . 9 Years Ago

This needs to be said. He is a terrible teacher. I can't believe how people here fail to mention how he openly insults students with questions. He can't answer them either; he either gives a useless "joke" or gets frustrated (in person). Rude and condescending. READ THE BOOK; EVIL EXAMS use a calculator for complex #s, it's absolutely essential.

9 helpful 8 unhelpful
ECE2A . 9 Years Ago

If you have no background in ECE, be prepared for a tough time. The material itself is actually quite easy, but Hua tells you not to read the book. Bad idea, the book's chapter 1 and 2 were pretty bad, but from three onward were really clear. Hua's explanations are hard impossible to follow if you don't know the material, potentially disastrous.

2 helpful 4 unhelpful
ECE2A . 9 Years Ago

If you have little to no knowledge of electricity you are in for a very rough quarter. He only goes over topics once and does not know how to answer questions.

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ECE2A . 10 Years Ago

Great professor, really funny, makes things interesting. Lecture and homework went well together. Going to class is vital for a good grade. Midterms were much easier than the final. Lab was not too difficult but it depends on the TA. Homework can be hard but if you understand it, the tests will be's also mostly taught in lecture.

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ECE258 . 10 Years Ago

Interesting human being and funny a way, but his mood can change from good to bad really fast. Unpredictable in many ways. You can do well on all exams and still get a bad grade (this could be a painful part for any student).

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ECE2A . 11 Years Ago

Professor Lee may not be the most helpful professor in the world, but his lectures were very interesting. He has a good sense of humor and presents difficult topics more clearly than the book; however, his tests are pretty difficult.

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ECE2A . 11 Years Ago

My favorite professor I've had at UCSB. He's not the most helpful, but he's super into EE. He also has a funny sense of humour.

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ECE2A . 11 Years Ago

This class ended up being easier than I expected. Prof. Lee makes the class very interesting, but he can come off very sarcastic and unhelpful. The key is to go to every class and to read the book. His tests were really hard, but he gives a lot of partial credit. Overall i really enjoyed it and would definitley take another one of his classes.

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ECE148 . 12 Years Ago

Not the easiest class ever but as a professor he's very clear and gives you a wide range of explanations for every topic. Keeps class interesting with lots of jokes and anecdotes and keeps you wanting to come back to learn more. Just don't expect much of a reply if you email him or ask a direct question, he's much better at just talking on his own.

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ECE148 . 12 Years Ago

Great Professor! He makes you want to learn more and very nice and helpful! Ask him about the concepts but do not go ask MATLAB or programming problems!

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ECE2A . 12 Years Ago

He is a good lecturer overall. But he is not opened to questions and is mean (understatement) to people that ask him anything. In office hours he says "I don't understand your question, wait it's easy" and then kicks you out without explaining. His midterms and finals were doable although seemingly hard.

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ECE2A . 12 Years Ago

Keeps the class interesting. Insanely hilarious and thinks quick on his feet. Do all the homework and understand it inside out and you'll be fine. Makes a hard subject actually pleasant to learn.

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ECE2A . 12 Years Ago

Best professor I have ever had. Tests are very easy. Keep up with the homework and you do not even need to study. Calculator and several pages of notes allowed. He keeps class interesting.

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ECE2A . 12 Years Ago

Best professor in the school hands down. Total riot in class, natural comedian. Tests are very easy; never needed to study, calculators allowed, 4 pages of notes for final.

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ECE278C . 16 Years Ago

--highly unpredictable. you can get bad grades even if you do very well in all homeworks and exams..

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ECE258 . 16 Years Ago

Not helpful in office hours. Makes you feel not very smart. Encourages questions in class, but then makes fun of you. So if you like that sort of thing, go ahead, ask away!

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ECE256 . 16 Years Ago

He is so rude.Does not help students.Spoilt my interest for the subject.

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ECE130A . 17 Years Ago

Beware of this professor! Extremely arrogant, and gives grades based on how much he likes you. Very unclear, and favors sucking up more than anyone I've ever known!! he simply loves everyone bowing down at his feet. He ignored all of my e-mails and acts "busy" all the time. By the far the worst professor if you need help with anything.

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ECE2A140148 . 18 Years Ago

Hua Lee is one of the best professors I've had. Although his finals are difficult, he's very nice and is good at giving examples that are easy to understand. He often tells cheasy jokes during lectures, but it's good because it kept my attention.

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ECE2A130 . 19 Years Ago

A very good prof. Entertaining in lecture, also clear, and teaches what you need to know, step by step.

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