Nathan Svadlenak
53 reviews

Chem1A . Svadlenak N D 7 Months Ago

Seems passionate about what he teaches but is terrible at teaching. His lectures are all over the place and no matter how much I tried to understand the content in lecture, it was just too unorganized. Please avoid taking him, the tests will make or break your grade and all questions are FREE RESPONSE. SAVE YOURSELF.

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Chem1A . Svadlenak N D 7 Months Ago

He was very unorganized and I could not understand anything he said in class. He just rambles and expects everyone to know everything. He's also very passive-aggressive.

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Chem1A . Svadlenak N D 7 Months Ago

take another chem class

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Chem1A . Svadlenak N D 8 Months Ago

Terrible Professor, I don't know why he doesn't take advice from the other professors in the chem department. I retook this class and got an A, thanks to Price and Sylvester. Do not take him, he's the worst.

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Chem1A . Svadlenak N D 10 Months Ago

The lectures were disorganized and he is new to the department. He is the only CHEM1A professor who does free response instead of multiple choice for exams, but other professors have more practice exams than him.

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Chem1A . Svadlenak N D 1 Year, 13 Days Ago

Wasn't in his class but I would go to his 1C office hours because they were insane. Extremely helpful as he will always go overtime just to answer all your questions. I would do all the chapter book problems and ask him about the ones I didn't get. Love how his office hours are personalized. If you have him, you need to check out his office hours.

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Chem1A . Svadlenak N D 1 Year, 1 Month Ago

Nathan is really trying his best. He was expected to pull together an entire quarter's worth of content in only a few days and it showed. His lectures were not very well-organized but despite the typos, his passion shone through. Ask questions and go to office hours! He knows what he is doing and I'm sure his lecturing will improve

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Chem1A . Svadlenak N D 1 Year, 1 Month Ago

People who are taking Chem courses with him, good luck on passing. Unorganized lectures and unstructured. Practice exams are nothing like the actual exams, adds trick questions to make sure he applies the burden to students. Glad I changed majors to avoid the burden of taking his class again.

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Chem1A . Svadlenak N D 1 Year, 3 Months Ago

Nathan, if you are looking at this page, please please have some mercy and sympathy. You are "so" disorganized, and lousy in your lectures, your class has dropped my morale, but thanks to other chem professors (more established than you), I have been better. Please for the love of god, change your class structure and follow other professors methods

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Chem1A . Svadlenak N D 1 Year, 4 Months Ago

be thankful you have joseph

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Chem1A . Svadlenak N D 1 Year, 4 Months Ago

So bad, his lectures are all over the place and had a lot of mistakes. His tests are nothing like what he teaches and his practice tests are nothing like the actual test. Save yourself fr

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Chem1A . Svadlenak N D 1 Year, 4 Months Ago

I would give him some slack since I took him his very first quarter that he was teaching, but book problems and going through his slides (he pulls questions from his slides) and practice is the key to do well. His office hours are amazing and you can schedule them to have them one on one which was great if your schedule conflicted with his.

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Chem1A . Svadlenak N D 1 Year, 4 Months Ago

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Chem1A . Svadlenak N D 1 Year, 5 Months Ago

was not helpful. all over the place. horrible.

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Chem1A . Svadlenak N D 1 Year, 5 Months Ago

It was his first quarter so it was definitely unorganized but he was hired a few days before the first day of classes so who can blame him. Rushed through lectures, but posted slides so you could follow along during/after. Was super helpful during office hours and was EXTREMELY lenient with partial credit.

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Chem1A . Svadlenak N D 1 Year, 5 Months Ago

I wanna give him some slack since this was his first quarter here, but his lectures were always full of mistakes and he tended to ramble. I wouldn't say his tests were super difficult, but I would always have some questions incomplete or blank simply because there wasn't enough time to do them all. He was gracious with partial credit.

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Chem1A . Svadlenak N D 1 Year, 5 Months Ago

He was great. Pretty tough class but could be worse. Heard he was new so maybe he'll be better next quarter or year.

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Chem1A . Svadlenak N D 1 Year, 5 Months Ago

He's all over the place but you need to take into consideration that he was hired a few days before the quarter started and was most likely extremely nervous. It's very obvious he's passionate about the subject and genuinely wants to see his students succeed. If he taught a different subject and was a bit more confident, I'd 100% have him again.

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Chem1A . Svadlenak N D 1 Year, 5 Months Ago

Take anyone but him. He's completely irrational when it comes to exams, even with other professors were advising against it. Please change your grading and exam style. I wish I had changed the professor when I had the chance.

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Chem1A . Svadlenak N D 1 Year, 5 Months Ago

This was his first time teaching chem and unfortunately it showed. The lectures were disorganized and not very helpful. Without prior experience in chem or reading the textbook the class could be difficult. On the bright side, one-on-one he was very helpful and passionate about the subject.

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Chem1A . Svadlenak N D 1 Year, 6 Months Ago

Lectures were too rushed and all over the place. Would not recommend at all.

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Chem1A . Svadlenak N D 1 Year, 6 Months Ago

He seems very smart and passionate about the subject, and uses many visuals and analogies which made understanding the material a lot easier for me. Exams were more on the difficult side, but he is very generous with partial credit. seemed a bit unorganized at times and had some mistakes on his slides but overall great professor.

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Chem1A . Svadlenak N D 1 Year, 6 Months Ago

It's hard to rate Nathan in an ideal setting as he was hired 3 days before the quarter started and had to run to course by himself. While other lecturers had past slides, Nathan had to create almost 1000 slides for us. I think a lot of negatives about him come from this as he was constantly under pressure. Recommend his office hours, very helpful.

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Chem1A . Svadlenak N D 1 Year, 7 Months Ago

Great professor. Had prior chemistry experience in high school. You must know some basics going into college level chem anyway. He explains in analogies which make things easier to visualize. If you are a fast paced learner, this class is perfect. Really good one on one. His first time teaching so lectures were sometimes scrambled, but he is funny.

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