POL S 296
Matto Mildenberger
18 reviews

POLS15 . 1 Year, 6 Months Ago

Prof. Mildenberger is super smart and really kind. He wants people to understand the material. He doesn't talk too fast so you have time to take notes. The class is hard, but since you have to take it to get into the major, I think he does a great job making the statistics material clearer to understand. He's one of the best in the dept.

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POLS177 . 3 Years Ago

Prof Mildenburger is nice but doesn't put anything on his slides so it's difficult for visual leaners because you can only listen to his voice. Also, it is kind of hard to follow him bc he goes into a lot of examples of dif countries and doesn't explicitly say definitions of things. Lot's of dense academic journals that were not really necessary

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POLS15 . 3 Years Ago

He was a really nice and accommodating guy. He pushed back our problems sets for POLS 15 multiple times so we had more time to work on it. Pretty challenging class but he was good at explaining.

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PS15 . 3 Years Ago

The lectures were not always congruous with the coding problem sets so you either had to defer to your TA or work it out independently. The professor was super nice but sometimes he would say he would give us a certain amount of time for an assignment but then forget to actually honor it. Still, he was generally pretty accommodating and lenient

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POLSCI15 . 3 Years Ago

Lectures were boring and difficult to get through. Learning to code via zoom wasn't the greatest experience. Highly recommend working in groups.

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POLS15 . 5 Years Ago

This class can be challenging if you don't have a background in statistics, so make sure that you understand the underlying concepts. Learning to code in R isn't terrible either, as long as you practice and work together to do the problem sets.

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PS15 . 6 Years Ago

Professor Mildenberger is the absolute best professor for this course. This class is challenging, but also incredibly rewarding. Mildenberger does a superb job at making sure he, and all his TAs, are always at your disposal. I learned way more than what was on the syllabus while being in his class, but only take it if you're up for the challenge.

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PS106BP . 7 Years Ago

The best lecturer here at UCSB. He clearly explains all the concepts and slides and asks continues to engage the class to make sure everyone understands. He does a really good job of using stories/historical accounts related to the concept which makes it easy to remember and apply to exams and papers.

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PS15 . 7 Years Ago

Best professor I've taken at UCSB. His lectures are clear, articulate and relevant to the exams and assignments. He expects a lot from his students but he puts in just as much, if not more. He is always willing to help you get the best grade possible and genuinely cares that you learn something from his classes.

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PS15 . 7 Years Ago

Mildenberger went to Yale and is very bright. He went through lecture very thoroughly to make sure students completely understood the material. He handles more book-related topics vs. coding, which the TAs help you with. If your grade is borderline, he will look back at your participation. Second class with him & would definitely take a third.

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POLS15 . 7 Years Ago

He takes the time to thoroughly explain everything. That being said, this class was extremely difficult and I still had to go to office hours quite a bit. He does a really good job of keeping you motivated as you do need POLS15 to move to upper division. Really wouldn't take the class with anyone else.

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PS15 . 7 Years Ago

Really hated this class. The TA's were the only reason I enjoyed this class, specifically Colin. Mildenberger was scattered & took the longest route to explain a simple concept. Midterm is in R, final is by hand, which was much easier for me. Do the textbook reading, know the articles he assigns & lectures and it's pretty simple to pass on your own

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PS15 . 7 Years Ago

LOVED him!!! Super clear about what he was grading us on, always made sure we left class feeling confident with what we learned. Recommend reading articles online. Not hard if u try

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POLS15 . 7 Years Ago

He's alright. Not the worst but definitely not the best. He's a dull lecturer, but he has excellent TAs. He's not going to change your life or anything, overall a very forgettable class.

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PS15 . 7 Years Ago

Mildenberger is one of the best lecturers in the department. At times, class is slow because he can spend an entire class explaining one topic making sure everyone fully understands. You are not required to go to class which is great. The only hard part of this class is coding but he provides office hours every day which was extremely helpful!

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POL15 . 7 Years Ago

By far the best professor I've had at UCSB. He is so unbelievably intelligent. You WILL learn a lot and the class WILL be easy if you go to lecture and put time into the class. Highly highly highly recommend. If you're not willing to put in the work -- don't bother.

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ES177 . 7 Years Ago

Professor Mildenberger is one of the best lecturers at UCSB. He speaks slowly and clearly and explains things thoroughly, in a way that makes it easy to take notes. He is very smart and knows just about everything in his realm of study and related fields. This was easily one of my favorite classes at UCSB

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PS15 . 7 Years Ago

Eh. Uninspiring. Possibly one of the worse political science professors in the department. Always late to office hours.

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