Christopher Bernt
68 reviews

CHEM1A . Bernt C M 3 Years Ago

Lectures don't go in-depth so I recommend reading the textbooks and doing the practice problems which helps a lot. He's really understanding and caring too. Just took my final but my wifi went down so I lost half my answers, but I emailed him and he replied fast and said to send my work so he could manually input them himself. Really nice guy

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CHEM1B . Bernt C M 4 Years Ago

He really tries with lecturing and he can make you laugh. He is sweet and gave everyone candy for Halloween. Talk to him during office hours because his explanations are much clearer. Definitely read the textbook! Helps to read before lecture, but after is good too. Do all the book problems, they are more similar to his tests than the practice test

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CHEM1B . Bernt C M 4 Years Ago

I've heard prof Benrt hardly give A+. I did very well on both midterms and quizzes but still only have an A. The exams are not hard at all as long as you do the practice tests twice and have a good understanding of the lecture materials.

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CHEM1A . Bernt C M 4 Years Ago

Took Chem 1A with him last quarter. The midterms were tricky but the final was easy, which really helps because it replaces your lowest midterm. Reading the textbook isnt necessary if you go to lectures (book problems tho are a must). Great professor overall. However, dont take it as GE (like I did) because this class is a lot of work

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CHEM1A . Bernt C M 4 Years Ago

Went over subjects a bit too fast, learned the majority of the material on my own. Midterms and final are multiple choice and the final was easier than the midterms (got an 85% on final without much studying, got an 82% avg on midterms with a lot more studying)

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CHEM173A . Bernt C M 4 Years Ago

By far one of my favorite professors I've ever taken at UCSB. Really made me love chemistry again. Great lecturer and gives out fair test. That being said, the content can be tricky. But he does his best to make sure you understand it. He's very approachable in office hours too. Take him if you can!!

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CHEM1B . Bernt C M 5 Years Ago

He's honestly a really nice and caring guy. He does go through lectures quickly and you have to do a lot of work on your own, but that can be said with any chemistry class. He does give partial credit on some quizzes and exams, but he also has "none of the above" as an answer choice for every question, which makes questions a little more difficult.

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CHEM1B . Bernt C M 5 Years Ago

Professor Bernt taught the lessons as if we knew everything that was going on. He gave us info to prepare for the lecture, but if we didn't understand that then we were screwed. ALEKS is worth very little, but doing it does help you understand concepts. The class was extremely difficult, and Bernt didn't do much to help us pass.

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CHEM1A . Bernt C M 5 Years Ago

DO NOT TAKE. Failed Chem 1A after taking him but studied so much for this class. Goes so fast and honestly all over the place. Went with Joseph for chem 1A and passed with an A (wonder why)

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CHEM2B . Bernt C M 5 Years Ago

This is Bernts first year of teaching honor class. He teaches regular contents in lecture, but his tests are way harder than the regular just because we are honor students. Homework is 20% of the grade, but doing homework is not helpful for preparing for tests.

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CHEM1A . Bernt C M 5 Years Ago

i honestly just went to class for clicker points. lectures move fast plus he assumes you know everything. his tests are all multiple choice but dont get your hopes up cause they're difficult. lectures weren't clear so it just made it harder to understand the concepts. uhh good luck

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CHEM1A . Bernt C M 5 Years Ago

Prof Bernt is always willing to answer any questions you have and puts in a lot of effort in his lectures. His test questions are tricky esp. if you didn't take ap chem but aleks is worth 20% and scores are replaced for tests so it isn't hard to get an A if you put in the effort to do book problems/practice tests. Definitely recommend for Chem 1A.

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CHEM1A . Bernt C M 5 Years Ago

Very tough exams! Know how to do every type of problem frontwards and backwards! Other than that he is a really down to Earth professor and really has a passion for chemistry. Hes friendly and will answer any questions you may have

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CHEM1A . Bernt C M 5 Years Ago

honestly I would just go to lecture for the clicker points. his lectures are not clear at all as he goes through lectures really fast and assumes everyone knows what's going on. went to visit him during office hours and seemed disinterested and not willing to help much with my grade or any questions I had. good luck if you have him lol

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CHEM1A . Bernt C M 5 Years Ago

Prof. Bernt's lectures are not very helpful, which was made even more clear to me after attending lectures of other professors. The tests are very very difficult; he writes the multiple choice answers to reflect small errors in computation. I tried to attend office hours and he seemed disinterested in helping me while surfing on his computer.

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CHEM1A . Bernt C M 6 Years Ago

Aleks are 20% of your grade, guarantee pass if you try

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CHEM1A . Bernt C M 6 Years Ago

If you ever get to take him for Chem 1A DO IT!! He makes Aleks 20% of your grade! This helps immensely in the overall end grade. Hes very responsive and helps out with as much as he can.

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CHEM221 . Bernt C M 6 Years Ago

BEST PROF EVER!! Hes so fun and helpful in the lab & hes super nice. Would take again any chance I have

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CHEM1A . Bernt C M 7 Years Ago

Even though Professor Bernts lectures were a bit boring, he was a very caring guy. He answered every question I had and looks for feedback from students. He bases most of his exams on Professor Prices so as long as you study those exams and book problems you will be fine.

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CHEM1A . Bernt C M 7 Years Ago

The book is hella important since this guys lectures are boring. He is smart but he can't lecture for nothing. Make sure you really read the book and do aleks because that's what'll give you a good grade in the class. He does curve grades at the end though. GO TO LECTURE! A part of your grade is iClicker and it'll replace your lowest quiz score.

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