Silvia Bermudez
35 reviews
Antonio Cortijo
19 reviews

LAIS10 . Bermudez S 4 Months Ago

She is the most difficult person I have had to deal with in my time here at UCSB. She walks into lecture like she's the smartest person in the room, and picks on you when you don't raise your hand to say something every time. Attendance is practically mandatory and she is very unreachable when you cant make it. Super inflexible and arrogant.

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LAIS10 . Bermudez S 4 Months Ago

Participation is extremely important in this course and Prof Bermudez will call on you if you don't volunteer. But in a condescending way and it doesn't foster an environment where students are encouraged to participate or feel they want to. TA was very nice and sections were easier. Make sure to read before every class and read very carefully.

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SPANISH . Cortijo A 7 Months Ago

155A - Love & Desire - Best Spanish Class and Best Spanish Prof I took at UCSB, and I am a senior. I loved Profe Cortijo's lectures, so engaging, you actually wanted to participate. The material was unique, fun, and impactful. I can't recommend this class enough!

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SPANISH . Cortijo A 1 Year, 4 Months Ago

I took SPAN 131 Golden Age Poetry. Cortijo is the best lecturer ever. He scribbles jiberish all over the board and discusses the most obscure topics but he somehow makes it all make sense. Readings and attendance aren't mandatory but you'll want to go to class. Two 2-page papers and one 8 page final paper.

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SPAN110D . Bermudez S 3 Years Ago

The course syllabus is diametrically opposed to the teaching of the class. Panoptic pedagogy, Royal Spanish Academy imperialism, cultural and linguistic Eurocentrism and enlightened despotism are the professors pedagogical methods.

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110C . Bermudez S 5 Years Ago

Silvia is the reason I am remaining a Spanish double major. She is literally one of the most amazing Spanish Department professor's who deserves the whole world. If there's one professor you should take, it's her!!! The course was really interesting and because she is so invested in the material, the class is even better!!

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LAIS100 . Bermudez S 5 Years Ago

She's really passionate and may scare you at first but she really cares about the content of her classes and thinks it is important. She doesn't grade too hard despite how she comes off. Super chill class, basically an introduction class with little homework.

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SPAN110B . Cortijo A 7 Years Ago

Cortijo is super lenient and and a decently easy grader. You don't have to do any of the readings but it helps to go and write down word for word what he says in lecture and use all of this in your essays. We were required to do 2 or 3 2 page literature reviews which were no big deal and 2 essays that were our "midterms." Overall super easy class

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SPAN156 . Bermudez S 7 Years Ago

Not a hard class by any means, but she does expect you to read and participate- which is hard when the reading is dense. However, she does like to show short videos in class, and bring modern concepts into the study of Galician culture which allows you to put a lot of things into context. Two papers, a midterm, and attendance make up your grade!

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SPAN137A . Cortijo A 8 Years Ago

This course was very easy and straight forward. 5 short papers are the only homework, midterms and final. He lays everything out for you and doesn't care whether you come to class or not. Lectures are very interesting and engaging. Would recommend no matter what level your Spanish is at.

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SPAN175 . Bermudez S 8 Years Ago

She is very passionate about the subject matter, but expects a lot from her students. She is also pretty intimidating. Get ready to read A LOT. Everything about this class is based on the readings and you will have to do them because the midterm and finals are strictly based off of them. Would not recommend if you are not a native Spanish speaker.

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SPAN110B . Cortijo A 8 Years Ago

First course I've take with Professor Ocaña. His class is based on 2 literature reviews and 3 papers (midterm, final, and "quiz"). There is no structure or organization in his class and assignments can be turned in whenever as long as it's before the end of the quarter. The 3 prompts are straight forward as he basically gives u all the info.

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SPAN110C . Bermudez S 9 Years Ago

Bermúdez is very intimidating, but if you do the reading and are prepared for class then she'll love you. She's very straight forward with what she expects. This was the first class in my college career in which I did all of the reading because I was afraid to be unprepared for class, but I consider this a good thing. I've never learned so much.

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SPAN136 . Cortijo A 9 Years Ago

You know what to expect and he's very clear as to what he wants. He won't trick you. I've taken 2 of his classes and plan on taking more because he doesn't expect me to be a genius, he just expects me to come to class and want to learn. Sometimes he's rude or condescending, but that's if he doesn't like what he's teaching.

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SPAN110C . Bermudez S 9 Years Ago

She can be intimidating but if you do what's expected of you she will respect you. A very tough grader but she will always tell you how to improve. My only issue is that both she and her TA grade the assignments (one after the other) so although you get 2 pair of eyes looking at your papers it can be tricky to sort the feedback.

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SPAN110C . Bermudez S 11 Years Ago

Extremely intelligent and passionate. If you pay attention in class you are in for one of the best educational experiences our Spanish dept has to offer.

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SPAN110 . Cortijo A 11 Years Ago

(also 137A) extremely boring with an unorganized lecture. paces back and forth with continuous babble. no outlines, ppts, etc. Got B+'s so not the worst, doesnt care when you turn in asgmnts or attendance but I will NEVER take him again. The "freedom" in his class doesnt replace the tedious amount of work. Is published and def knows what he teaches

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SPAN110A . Cortijo A 11 Years Ago

He wants to give you a good grade, show up and take notes and you will do well

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SPAN172 . Bermudez S 12 Years Ago

Great professor!!

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SPA172 . Bermudez S 13 Years Ago

Silvia es la mejor maestra de Espanol de UCSB. Apasionada en su trabajo, liberal y preocupada en que sus estudiantes tomen conciencia y hagan buen uso de sus inteligencias y de las inovaciones tecnologicas. Un privilegio haber tomado sus clases.

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SPAN172 . Bermudez S 13 Years Ago

She's an amazing professor. I've taken a lot of her classes and they are always interesting. She makes everything easy to understand. She's one of the very few people that care about helping the students.By taking her classes you will notice that you're constantly becoming a better student, writer, you will constantly be improving thanks to her.

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SPAN172 . Bermudez S 13 Years Ago

I had her twice in Span 172 and Span 110C. Three words define her: loud, eccentric, passionate. Really good professor, may be a little scary and intimidating but good overall.

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SPAN172 . Bermudez S 13 Years Ago

She's the best spanish professor!! Loves teaching but will try and intimidate her students.

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SPAN110D . Bermudez S 13 Years Ago


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