James Donelan
93 reviews

WRITHU . Donelan J H 18 Years Ago

He is very pretentious and boring. Going to class is almost as pointless as the books he assigns. He is useless in office hours and trying to help you imrove. He is easy in the sense that you can get a B with literally no work but he gives no clear way to do much better. On the positive side, he is nice and looks like Peter Griffin from Family Guy.

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WRITING . Donelan J H 18 Years Ago

He is awesome-everyone loves him

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CLIT186RR . Donelan J H 18 Years Ago

Prof Donelan was fun to take over summer because the class was intimate. He is quite passionate about the subject matter. Ask him about his crazy Baron friend...

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WRIT109L . Donelan J H 19 Years Ago

James is really cool, get on his good side and you will be golden, get on his bad side and you could be ****ed. He's a pretty reasonable family man.

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COMPLIT30A . Donelan J H 19 Years Ago

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CLIT30AB . Donelan J H 19 Years Ago

One of the best lecturers. A bit boring, but very smart and sometimes funny. Class is pretty easy if you take notes in lecture. Read the parts in the books that he talks about most, you will have to know quotes.

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COMPLIT30A . Donelan J H 19 Years Ago

If you are interested in the material and do a little bit of the reading, this is a great class. Even though he's a lot like Fraiser, he really cares about what he's lecturing on.

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COMLIT30A . Donelan J H 19 Years Ago

Hardly went to class and still managed a B for the class. Grading is based on 2 essays, a midterm and a final. So if u screw up on one thing, you still have time to catch up. The works are VERY easy to read, come on now The Odyssey? The Iliad? im sure most of we ALL KNOW about those already.

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CLIT30A . Donelan J H 19 Years Ago

I've never been so inspired to write an essay in my life. Donelan is so passionate about this subject it leaves you feeling that ancient lit is the most important thing to know in the world.

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CLIT30B . Donelan J H 19 Years Ago

One Word..."D-Noz"...this guy is a a pretentious ****...unless you like listening to his voice as much as he does, don't take his class

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CLIT30B . Donelan J H 19 Years Ago

absolutely pointless class! random ass books & the lectures dont coincide w/the exams or papers whatsoever. theyre just full of useless background info not hard to get a good grade bc tests graded easy, but very difficult not to die of boredom in the process. he's kinda funny sometimes

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CLIT30A . Donelan J H 19 Years Ago

I surprised by the other ratings for him. He reads his lectures from his notes which is extremely boring, the material is also boring and he doesn't add anything new or innovative to the readings of the texts. Also, he comes off as real pretentious

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COMPLIT30A . Donelan J H 19 Years Ago

Take him! Take this class! He is extremely articulate, interested in the material, and he holds the attention of his students relatively well for such dense material. The reading assignments were interesting so that was also a plus. READ EVERYTHING to do well on the exams and papers. Take the class!

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CLIT30B . Donelan J H 19 Years Ago

A LOT of reading about a short novel per week, but his midterms and finals as easy graded, there are two 5 page papers free of choice of topic almost as long as relevant to the readings. His lectures are interesting but wont summarize the story for you, just read even if footnotes and go to section.

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CLIT30B . Donelan J H 19 Years Ago

Awesome teacher...he cares about his students, funny, gives good readings....Very helpful!!

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CLIT30B . Donelan J H 19 Years Ago

Donelan was a great lecturer! I was dreading the class before taking it but realized he is super clear, assigns easy to read and interesting books, and is very helpful towards his students. Questions on exams can be really detailed but easy if you read .

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COMPLIT30B . Donelan J H 19 Years Ago

I thought this class was really good. Lots of reading, but lectures were good and clear, and he is a really cool guy. I recomend taking his classes.

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COMPLIT30B . Donelan J H 19 Years Ago

Donelan is a big intellectual ****! The lectures are awesome, he assigns GOOD reading (nevermind how much), and he CARES! Plus, he likes sci-fi! By actually being interested by and thinking about the material, I got an A+ on both papers. And, by the way, I'm a mechanical engineer.

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CLIT30B . Donelan J H 19 Years Ago

He is interested in the material and seems to care about his students. Assigns way too much reading though. Lectures don't seem to be terribly helpful though in terms of writing the papers or taking the exams.

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CLIT30B . Donelan J H 19 Years Ago

I love this teacher. Expectedly, he is an incredibly articulate teacher, helpful, funny; it's an altogether excellent class. He chooses a diverse and interesting collection of great literature to read, interesting essay prompts, not easy not hard just read the material and stay awake in class

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CIT186RR . Donelan J H 20 Years Ago

one of the most personable teachers i have had, he is funny and so realistic with everything, he gives great feedback on papers. He is in the writing department but if you can take him in comparative literature or english or whatever...take him

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