Caroline Allen
26 reviews

CCS101 . Allen C 7 Years Ago

Caroline was my favorite lecturer at CCS. I took her narrative prose class multiple times, her profiles classes are spectacular, she's funny, insightful and anyone who thinks she's boring is not paying attention. I felt like I got adequate feedback on my writing, both positive & critical. She introduced me to be about 90% of my favorite writers.

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CS110 . Allen C 8 Years Ago

She's the absolute coolest, so funny and smart

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CS110 . Allen C 8 Years Ago

She was awesome and the funniest, most insightful person on campus.

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LITCS11 . Allen C 8 Years Ago

Caroline Allen is one of the greatest teachers I've ever had the pleasure of studying with. Her classes are both challenging and rewarding, and her warmth and brilliance are unmatched. Caroline is one of those people who has steeped herself in great books. Her classes are difficult, charming and hilarious. I always left wiser and still laughing

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CS110 . Allen C 8 Years Ago

She's so funny. She makes the class worth it to show up every day and give it your all. I wish I could take every class with her.

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CS110 . Allen C 9 Years Ago

Very intelligent lady. Good performer and writer.

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CS110 . Allen C 9 Years Ago

She was awesome.

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CS113 . Allen C 9 Years Ago

She is so funny, so smart, so full of wisdom, so valuable to the entire UCSB community. She gives so much to her students, and she's tactful and patient.

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CS110 . Allen C 10 Years Ago

She is so intelligent and knowledgeable.

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CS110 . Allen C 10 Years Ago

She was amazing and intelligent. She has such a sense for the importance of literature, for how writer's lives affected their work, for the technique of writers versus outpourings of feeling. This level of professor can only come with years of experience and thoughtfulness about her craft.

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CS110 . Allen C 10 Years Ago

I felt like I became a completely different writer after I finished this class. Her attention to detail, her individual support for writers, her focus on good passages that exemplify a kind of carefulness and attention to detail--she's an artist and an academic and she has really good taste in writing. She's the best professor I've ever had.

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CS110 . Allen C 10 Years Ago

She was so smart, so full of clarity, so knowledgeable about the material, so diplomatic when dealing with class members. She brings a lifetime of knowledge about literature and art and writing to every class. She is the best and most amazing professor I've ever had. She is natural, graceful, confident, and with an instinct for what's GOOD.

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CS103 . Allen C 14 Years Ago

I took the travel writing class with her, which I think was a new course offering. She is extremely helpful in workshopping and offers valuable feedback on students' writing, but is kind of flaky, and slow to read/turn back pieces. An excellent instructor and a great class! The books were kind of useless, and she didn't discuss them much.

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LITCS103 . Allen C 14 Years Ago

I took a profiles writing class with her, and it was a lot of fun. The reading was useful at first but halfway through the quarter I did feel like I got the point and was ready for something new. GREAT workshop class though, got really good feedback on my work and Caroline's a lot of fun to work with! I recommend taking classes with her.

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CCS102 . Allen C 15 Years Ago

a really fantastic professor , i enjoyed every second of her class.

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CSLIT102 . Allen C 16 Years Ago

Every time I left Caroline's class I had the motivation and inspiration to go write more. She doesn't try to force ideas down her students' throats, and is probably one of the only true open minded teachers that I've ever had. She doesn't criticize too much, which is a problem for many people...but let's face it, you should know if your work suck

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CCS101 . Allen C 18 Years Ago

Worst teacher in CCS Lit, perhaps most boring and useless class I have taken at UCSB. No feedback, no copies for the class, terrible discussion leader. Worst of all, she admitted to my class that she doesn't read student reviews if she thinks that the students will not respond positively. That's a ridiculous disservice to her students and CCS.

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ENGLISH . Allen C 18 Years Ago

Cuz she rocks!

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CRWRITING . Allen C 19 Years Ago

Like her arch-nemesis Corum, people either love Caroline or hate her. As far as her creative writing class goes, I found it to be a great way to get credit for stuff I probably would've written anyway, but there was not substantial feedback. She's a lovely woman and it's fun to hear (good) people's stories, but not a great learning experience.

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CRWRITING . Allen C 19 Years Ago

I agree with the people who don't enjoy the way she conducts her creative writing/short story writing classes. I never got any feedback written on my stories, not even "very good" as a poster below got. She also read the stories out loud and often butchered them. I think everyone should have a copy.

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CCSLIT . Allen C 19 Years Ago

Wow, what can I say. I went to her creative writing class, and 90% of the time, rather than giving any criticism of people's work, she just read back her favorite parts and expected the rest of the class to comment. Her "written-comments" usually consist of "v. good" and "this part is funny".

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CCSLIT . Allen C 19 Years Ago

I was bored to tears in her lit class, and we often sat in silence since she wasn't good at leading discussions. People slept. It was unlike other CCS classes I've taken. When I took creative writing from her, I received no feedback from her on my stories, but I did get helpful comments on my essays

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CCSLIT . Allen C 20 Years Ago

Caroline is an interesting and funny teacher. I'll take her over Corum any day, to be sure. She picks good books, gives valuable, honest critique on your writing, and will give you time outside of class if you ask. I didn't notice she picked favorites.

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CCSLIT . Allen C 20 Years Ago

Caroline is one of my favorite teachers. She makes interesting points and always marks funny passages. She also gives helpful feedback on writing, but I feel like she wouldn't tell me if my work sucked.

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