Richard Wittman
48 reviews

ARTH6F . Wittman R K 3 Months Ago

Prof. Wittman is a great speaker but his lectures are clunky. He's knowledgeable and passionate, but the course isn't structured very well. You will be memorizing A LOT of material for few exams. Memorize what he says and you'll be fine. Exams aren't curved much and he doesn't bump grades. I would avoid this class if you want an easy A.

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ARTH6F . Wittman R K 8 Months Ago

It is so important to take notes for this class. I really enjoyed this class and I found Professor Wittman to be interesting and engaging!! I would recommend getting notion or another app where you can insert pictures with your notes. Attend all lectures and use Quizlet to memorize dates, locations and sites. It is very hard for a G.E. though...

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ARTH6F . Wittman R K 9 Months Ago


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142F . Wittman R K 9 Months Ago

If you have an interest in architectural history then Wittman is an excellent professor to take. His courses are lecture heavy but they are very interesting (personally, I find them enthralling). 142F was a new course for this quarter and he was a bit disorganized but I've taken several other courses with him and that's typically not an issue.

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142F . Wittman R K 9 Months Ago

Lecture slides have little information on them, so be prepared to takes lots of notes (attendance is also mandatory). Had a midterm, in-class essay and final - midterm was supposed to be 5 IDs and two short-essay questions but he made it 15 IDs without telling anyone ahead of time. Getting a good grade is doable you just have to put in lots of work

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142A . Wittman R K 9 Months Ago

142F was a new class and extremely disorganized. Wittman did not post the readings on time and was behind in the course materials. He was vague and unclear about what would be on the exams.

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ARTH6F . Wittman R K 1 Year, 17 Days Ago

The professor exhibits an impressive vocabulary that is both helpful and strongly applicable for learning the course material. His lectures were beautiful, and his office hours help was very beneficial.

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142A . Wittman R K 1 Year, 7 Months Ago

Professor Wittman gives entertaining lectures and clearly is very passionate about his subject. Very understanding professor with minimal homework so the class is relatively easy if you show up for lecture

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142D . Wittman R K 2 Years Ago

Class was a hybrid course so there was a mandatory lecture on one day and videos + readings on another day. He doesn't record his in person lectures which sucks but I enjoyed going to them. One gripe I had is that he doesn't put a lot text in his lecture slides, only images. Graded by two tests and a paper.

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ARTHI6F . Wittman R K 2 Years Ago

I initially took this class reluctantly to fill a GE and was amazed by it. The lectures he gives are super interesting, and he's very passionate about the subject. That being said, this class requires a good amount of effort: two papers, two midterms, and a final. It's not overkill, but isn't an easy A. Taking it P/NP makes it much easier though.

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ARTHI6F . Wittman R K 2 Years Ago

Decent lecturer, and is clearly passionate about the topics, as he has visited and taken photos of almost ever site/monument he lectured on. The class is very information heavy, and if you want an A, you have to work for it. A lot of my classmates took it P/NP and had a more enjoyable experience than I did. Exams are no walk in the park.

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ARTHI6F . Wittman R K 2 Years Ago

Great professor who genuinely cares about the topic he is teaching. Made the class very interesting.

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ARTHI6F . Wittman R K 2 Years Ago

Wittman is very passionate about the material and he is an excellent lecturer. Im a math major but I happen to find the subject matter quite interesting. Id rate him higher but there is quite a lot of reading involved, and grading can be tough. Dont regret taking this course, but there are easier GEs out there.

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AH6F . Wittman R K 2 Years Ago

Not hard if you attend class and take notes

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ARTHI6F . Wittman R K 3 Years Ago

Prof. Wittman is highly knowledgable and clearly puts effort into teaching. His lectures were fascinating and suffused with an enjoyably dry sense of humor. I recommend attending his office hours - you'll learn a lot; just make sure to have questions prepared. He does try to stuff a ton of details into lectures, though, so be prepared for that!

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ARTHI6F . Wittman R K 4 Years Ago

I took this as a GE and I honestly really enjoyed it. The lectures were basically just looking a cool buildings for an hour and Wittman did a good enough job of keeping things interesting/relevant. The 2 papers were straightforward and graded fairly, and as long as you try to understand & use the terminology you'll be fine.

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ARTH6F . Wittman R K 4 Years Ago

If you want to fulfill a GE, take another class.

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AH6F . Wittman R K 4 Years Ago

Amazing lectures. Very interesting lecture materials explained in detail. Requires u to listen carefully otherwise u wont be able to follow. Exams are weird and hard. I paid a lot of effort on the exams. Hard class but interesting.

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ARTHI6F . Wittman R K 5 Years Ago

interesting lecture but a hard exam.

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ARTHI6F . Wittman R K 6 Years Ago

I took ARTHI6F reluctantly to fill an art GE, and I was blown away with how interesting the class and subject are. It may just be personal preference but some of the things discussed in class were incredibly interesting and eye-opening. All reading is online, there are 2 papers, one midterm, and the final. Very cool class and prof.

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ARTHI6F . Wittman R K 9 Years Ago

Thought it would be interesting but nope. Long lectures where he rambled on trying to squeeze as many concepts as he can in 75 minutes. Attendance is mandatory with a sign in sheet passed around in lecture. Only good thing was that all readings were PDF files no bookreader. It was just overall very boring and difficult DO NOT take for GE

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AH6F . Wittman R K 9 Years Ago

Attendance is mandatory. Lectures are god awful long. Never stops lecturing the entire period. Is kind of full of himself. Wrote two papers on architecture on campusin SB. Midterms are easy if you read the bookgo to class, same for the final. Make flashcards for the IDs. Will come out ahead if you know the dates of all structures.

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142D . Wittman R K 9 Years Ago

tough class , attendance and reading is mandatory.

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142D . Wittman R K 9 Years Ago

Lot of reading and memorization. You have to be there every day or else you won't understand anything . Lectures are all just pictures . Professor has high standards, tests are extremely tough as well as the grading . Acts contemptuous . do not recommend taking this class

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