PHYS 234
Sang-Yun Oh
26 reviews

PSTAT134 . Oh Sang-Yun 5 Months Ago

the way the class is weighted it is easy to get a good grade without doing that much however class was so boring i did not learn anything in class and I was confused all quarter long. I came away from this class feeling like I learned absolutely nothing.

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PSTAT126 . Oh Sang-Yun 8 Months Ago

Oh has a unique talent for ignoring student feelings and never bothers with such trivial matters as seeing things from their perspective. Truly, a 'remarkable' choice for anyone seeking an 'unforgettable' learning experience. Highly 'recommended' for those who appreciate the finer nuances of educational indifference.

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PSTAT126 . Oh Sang-Yun 8 Months Ago

He has a unique talent for ignoring student feelings and never bothers with such trivial matters as seeing things from their perspective. Truly, a 'remarkable' choice for anyone seeking an 'unforgettable' learning experience. Highly 'recommended' for those who appreciate the finer nuances of educational indifference.

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PSTAT134 . Oh Sang-Yun 10 Months Ago

This man eats boring pills for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

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PSTAT126 . Oh Sang-Yun 1 Year, 9 Months Ago

Prof.Oh is approachable and organized. Grade is determined by 2 exams (25% and 35%), and 40% hw. One downside is his complicated lectures; the material is not the most difficult if you read the textbook but Prof.Oh's lectures make them seem more complex. The exams were conceptual and much easier than the lectures. The class uses R language.

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PSTAT134 . Oh Sang-Yun 1 Year, 10 Months Ago

I had Oh for 134 - he's been a good prof. Very accessible through Nectir if you need help on HW. I will say his HWs are VERY long and were extremely difficult as I'm pretty new to Python, but you get 2 weeks to do them and can work with others. Exams are easy and the final is a simple project, meaning I've done much more learning than cramming.

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PSTAT134 . Oh Sang-Yun 3 Years Ago

He's a great professor. I didn't have him for PSTAT 131, but I will say that 131 is notoriously difficult since it's streamlined course by the department. Oh has been exceptional in 134 in terms of explaining material and concepts. Don't expect and easy A but expect a fair course. Keep up with the material and you'll be fine.

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PSTAT134 . Oh Sang-Yun 3 Years Ago

Professor Oh is really available whenever you have any questions. His lectures are more about concepts, and the quizzes are based on that. He doesn't talk about coding in lectures but the homework is in python. Therefore, you may need to learn by yourself how to deal with it. However, he will give hints and documentations in the prompt.

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PSTAT134 . Oh Sang-Yun 4 Years Ago

Great material. Great HW. However, Professor Oh if you are reading this, please be a bit more specific on what will be on the midterm. You made it seem like it was Heavy Coding exam, when it was mostly 50% theory, and the rest coding. I screwed up my midterm because of this. If I would have known it was heavy theory, I would have gotten an A+. (

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PSTAT131 . Oh Sang-Yun 5 Years Ago

Professor Oh is very nice and cares about his students. That being said, his lectures are not very engaging and sometimes he didn't explain hard concepts well, but lecture notes are clear and helpful. Homework is not difficult since there are detailed instructions but be sure to leave enough time for it.

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PSTAT131 . Oh Sang-Yun 5 Years Ago

I wouldn't take a class with him again. There were pop quizzes which were difficult, because it was hard to focus on his lectures. The homeworks are very long (lots of coding), but there are only 4 of them with a LONG final project. One midterm and one final project (no final test). Study hard for the midterm to help you get an A in the class.

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PSTAT131 . Oh Sang-Yun 5 Years Ago

Way more emphasis on lecture and lab attendance than needed. I'm familiar with most of the materials so it's not hard for me. But even with 90+ on all homework/quizzes/midterm/final, missing a few labs get me down to B. Unfair grading. Plus, you won't hear back from him if you email him about any issues.

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120B . Oh Sang-Yun 6 Years Ago

Terrible lectures and section don't bother attending he really does not know how to teach. Ridiculously hard midterm and final. My advice switch professors or take it a different quarter just avoid him.

6 helpful 2 unhelpful
120B . Oh Sang-Yun 6 Years Ago

I came back to write a review after taking 120B again this quarter with a different professor and honestly this material is easy Oh made it unnecessarily hard. He is bottom line a horrible professor: lectures are confusing, homework is graded way too toughly, midterms were extremely difficult for no reason. You'll regret it if you take 120B with Oh

4 helpful 2 unhelpful
PSTAT131 . Oh Sang-Yun 6 Years Ago

I had Oh for PSTAT131. He's a wonderful professor who explains details clearly. One thing that you should be pay attention to is his pop quiz, which is harder than I imagine.

3 helpful 5 unhelpful
120B . Oh Sang-Yun 7 Years Ago

Very poor professor, really failed to make concepts clear or explain the subject well. Homework was graded way too toughly instead of checking for completeness and effort. The midterm average was far below failing and yet there was no curve. Final was unfair as well. Bottom line don't take this professor. Got an A in 120 just to fail this class.

7 helpful 2 unhelpful
120B . Oh Sang-Yun 7 Years Ago

VERY HARD professor. I got an A in 120A and I had no idea what he was talking about half the time. His midterm had a class average of far below failing, unreasonably hard tests, difficult to follow during lecture. Very nice guy though, he is definitely just new and trying

8 helpful 3 unhelpful
PSTAT131 . Oh Sang-Yun 7 Years Ago

I had Oh for PSTAT 120B and I thought he was unfairly tough in that class. However, he has made a dramatic improvement in 131. The material is pretty dense, but he does his best in lecture to break it down. There is no midterm or final, the final project takes up 50% of your grade and it's pretty straightforward. Homeworks are partner assignments.

3 helpful 3 unhelpful
120B . Oh Sang-Yun 8 Years Ago

DO NOT take courses of this professor Exam was verrrrrry hard and grade was given toughly even if you work really hard

8 helpful 3 unhelpful
PSTAT120B . Oh Sang-Yun 8 Years Ago

His lectures are often boring but he does go through a lot of examples. The homeworks are really hard but are also much more difficult than the exams. He's a young guy so will probably (hopefully) get better.

1 helpful 0 unhelpful
PSTAT120B . Oh Sang-Yun 8 Years Ago

The lectures were unclear at times, however, Oh is extremely helpful in clarifying topics in office hours. Oh gets a bad rap from students who most likely didn't put in the time to read and go to office hours. Read the book, ask questions, go to s office hours, and you'll do fine. Don't expect a good grade if you aren't willing to work for it...

2 helpful 6 unhelpful
PSTAT120B . Oh Sang-Yun 8 Years Ago

The class is extremely tough. He moves very quickly in the lectures and it's hard to keep up, and a lot of it relies on you already knowing most of the definitions and theorems in 120A. He's a nice guy though, but the lecture and the material is dry and difficult.

2 helpful 2 unhelpful
PSTAT120B . Oh Sang-Yun 8 Years Ago

This is a pointlessly difficult class. The professor is a nice guy, but is new to teaching. He doesn't know how to explain examples while he is doing them, and assumes the students are already familiar with the terminology. The midterm average was around a 34%. There is no way to pass this class with out reading very thoroughly and analytically.

5 helpful 1 unhelpful
120B . Oh Sang-Yun 8 Years Ago

He looks nice and he is a nice person. This is his first time teaching and the midterm average is like 30 % something, it scars most of the people. the lecture is useless you pretty much study on your own , there is like no point to go to his class. think twice before you take it.

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