SOC 164
Elena Raymond
49 reviews

SOC164 . Raymond E 4 Months Ago

Easy work, but group work is a big part of your overall grade. Take her!

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SOC164 . Raymond E 11 Months Ago

Fairly easy class as long as you have good group coordination for the podcasts and discussion leader meetings. The final paper wasn't too bad either since it is basically a reflection of the course material and you are able to reuse what you said during the weekly discussion posts. Overall, no complaints and would do again.

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SOC164 . Raymond E 1 Year, 11 Months Ago

This professor needs to think about what she is doing because she failed in many aspects. Group work for every assignment, she puts me in a group that just does not do their work correctly. One big failure! Then she tells me I can't work alone to improve my grade. Very ridiculous and just unprofessional. Such a big shame to be learning from her.

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SOC164 . Raymond E 2 Years Ago

I took 4 of Dr. Raymond's classes & she has undoubtedly been my favorite professor; particularly because of how clear & organized she is. Weekly in 164 there's a mini 2-question mc quiz, 200 word forum post, 50 word "blog" post, & occasionally a group workshop. 1 final paper at the end of the quarter. Highly recommend.

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SOC164 . Raymond E 2 Years Ago

One of the worst classes I've taken. Let's just say the Prof does not teach, just reads the PowerPoints and put way too much emphasis on group work rather than teaching. Never got back to any of my emails. Very dismissive of any argument that challenge her points. Teaches about the need of quality education while halfassing her own classes content

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SOC164 . Raymond E 2 Years Ago

Do not take this class with this professor! You will definitely regret it later on! The fact that there are mean people in my group, though which I told my prof about this and she said that I would have to drop her class if I cant work with a group. The prof is crazy and does not teach us anything of anything at all!! Didnt learn anything from her!

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SOC164 . Raymond E 2 Years Ago

Do not take this class. Be prepared for a lot of group work. Her group workshops are horrible and she does not let me work independently. Tough grader and hard to switch groups and to work independently. She tells me working independently is not a option. Believe me! It is a option! She does not address us clearly and doesnt help me at all!

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SOC164 . Raymond E 4 Years Ago

Attendance is about 30% of grade. Also pop quizzes very often so if you don't show up often I gurantee you will not pass. Show up and have done the reading for the day of and you will be solid. 1 midterm 5pg. paper and 1 5pg. final. Super easy. She just reads off lecture slides and goes super fast so hard to take good notes.

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SOC164 . Raymond E 5 Years Ago

She just reads off of the PowerPoint slides, so I went to class about three times total but if you do the readings and write good essays, its a very easy A. I wish she would have a better method of teaching because this class had the potential to be super interesting but was just dull and boring.

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SOC164 . Raymond E 5 Years Ago

Professor Raymond is really sweet. Although unorganized, she offers extra credit to those who ask and gave EC to students who attended class regularly. Pop quizzes were super easy just skim the reading before the lecture. No textbook, 2 papers and a group project. GP was an easy A you just had to present on an issue in education.

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SOC164 . Raymond E 6 Years Ago

One word: bad. I regret taking this class so much and its only week 3.. I'm sure she knows the content, but she just can't teach at all.. She reads off her slides really quickly then clicks past them so if you don't type 300 wpm, drop out. When it gets to the last 15 min of class, she looks at the time and says "ugh.. 8 more minutes ok ok.."

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SOC164 . Raymond E 6 Years Ago

This professor his highly unorganized and breezes through powerpoint slides without giving you a chance to even read the slides. She puts way too much emphasis on group activities rather than actually teaching. There are pop quizzes so you have to keep up with the readings. Two papers and a group presentation.

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SOC164 . Raymond E 7 Years Ago

Poor choice of readings. The pop quizzes was a terrible idea. Considering the questions are inconsistent so everyone does really bad at them. (some quizzes easier than others but the readings are not great so it's just a complete fail). Frustrating class because it's ironic. It talks about the broken school system yet perpetuates it further plz fix

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SOC145 . Raymond E 3 Months Ago

LOVE ELENA! Her lectures are super interesting and shes very passionate about her lectures. She's so sweet and it's evident she cares about her students and wants us to do well. However, weekly group slides are graded by TA and their response can be tedious and critical.

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SOC185G . Raymond E 4 Months Ago

There aren't any words I can describe this class, I extremely love this class, wish I could take her for my entire UCSB year, even know I have struggles regarding the environment, identity, registration but from her class, I feel passion, relatable, kind, and love if you just talk with her, she will always answer and solve a problem that you have.

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SOC185G . Raymond E 4 Months Ago

Took SOC185C with her which was more heavy with work compared to previous classes I've taken with her. Weekly quizzes and discussion posts, one presentation, and a group final project. Definitely manageable, but DON'T FALL BEHIND!!

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SOC145 . Raymond E 6 Months Ago

Easy class overall. The structure of the class is confusing in the beginning but shes always open to answer questions. Group work is a HUGE part of the course, so pray you'll get good partners. Group ppt projects and 2 discussion posts per week. It sounds like a lot but its manageable. Meets in person for lecture 1x/week. Accepts regraded work

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SOC145 . Raymond E 1 Year, 2 Months Ago

Very straightforward SOC class. I enjoyed it, but didn't feel like I learned a whole lot (kinda just reiterated basics from other classes). Group projects every week but pretty easy and seemed to be graded mostly for completion. Thorough slides and interesting discussions. Overall I would recommend.

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SOC145 . Raymond E 1 Year, 2 Months Ago

first class with her and i can say that i am looking forward to taking more classes with her! she's so chill and actually cares about her students. i'd say that the work is manageable. weekly discussion posts, quizzes, and group projects, there is also an attendance portion and the final paper

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SOC145 . Raymond E 1 Year, 2 Months Ago


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SOC145 . Raymond E 1 Year, 4 Months Ago

I have taken three classes with professor Raymond now and she is genuinely one of my favorite professors at UCSB. The courses consists of group work, weekly quizzes, discussion posts, and a five page final paper. I found myself putting about two hours of outside class time a week into this course and got an A in every class. I would recommend!!

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SOC108ST . Raymond E 1 Year, 8 Months Ago

In this class you are writing a research paper. Professor is always available to answer questions and support you. She has extensive knowledge on how to write a good research paper & wants you to succeed. Your grade depends on how much effort you put into your project. Weekly quizzes based off of the readings and group work.

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SOC185G . Raymond E 1 Year, 9 Months Ago

The professor reads of the powerpoint slides and is usually on topic. There is a lot a group project homework so it will depend on your group partners to do well in the class. She is reasonable about turning in some late work but would recommend not to try it, Lots of articles to read so be ready and she does have a strong accent but understandable

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SOC145 . Raymond E 1 Year, 9 Months Ago

I have taken 3 classes with Elena and would definitely say she is one of the easier soc teachers. LOTS of group work.

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