Peter Huk
40 reviews

WRIT2E . Huk P M 10 Months Ago

Great professor and Writing 2E is a fun class where you can both learn to write and utilize strategies to make your writing concise. Projects felt like they had a purpose (because they do) I would 110% take this class again.

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WRIT2E . Huk P M 1 Year, 4 Months Ago

Overall great professor for WRIT2E, not very difficult, but he teaches important skills without assigning a ton of homework. He's also just a funny, laid-back guy. One thing is that he is kind of disorganized.

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WRIT50E . Huk P M 2 Years Ago

One of the best professors I've had at UCSB. Very down-to-earth and caring. Really allows you to explore different fields yourself and collaborate with others. Throughout the course, I was able to find and write about topics that I actually cared about. He gave good feedback on personal resumes and finding internships. 100% would take again

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WRIT50E . Huk P M 2 Years Ago

Doctor Huk is really kind and he was always willing to help me outside of class. He grades really easy and also helps you improve your writing. Overall a wonderful professor.

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WRIT50E . Huk P M 3 Years Ago

He is awesome and chill! take him.

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WRIT50E . Huk P M 3 Years Ago

Prof. Huk is amazing! In Writ 50E, the main assignment is a group design project that you must write a report on. This was a great way to interact with classmates. Large potential for creativity in his assignments! Works with you if you need advice or help with your assignments. Willing to help outside of class as well and overall a great person!

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WRIT50E . Huk P M 3 Years Ago

Super easy class and nice guy. Grades really easy and will give good feedback. If you have any doubts about an assignment, send him an email and ask him to look over it. Change anything he tells you to and guaranteed A. Assignments are pretty much repeat of Writ2E (technical writing + report)

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WRIT2E . Huk P M 3 Years Ago

There were only 3 main assignments for this class along with a reflection, and if you make sure to complete all of these assignments on time and follow the instructions given, there is no reason why you shouldn't end with an A. I would definitely recommend taking him for any class, not just 2E

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WRIT2E . Huk P M 3 Years Ago

Suuuuper easy class. Pretty much only 3 assignments for the entire quarter plus a short reflection. 1 optional meeting per week for asking questions and peer editing. You can email him your assignment and ask for feedback, but he's an easy grader anyways. (I think the average was an A-)

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WRIT105C . Huk P M 4 Years Ago

Prof. Huk is very kind and easygoing. He's fair towards his expectations in class and grading papers. We had 4 papers and short peer review discussions. I'm not the best in writing but I enjoyed this class and it was interesting even when I took it online due to the pandemic. This class allows you to explore your voice and style in writing.

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WRIT109F . Huk P M 4 Years Ago

His class forces you to get in the habit of writing because of the deadlines, but in hindsight, Dr. Huk grades easily. You should put in effort into the assignments bc thats how you grow as a writer. Dr. Huk is a gentle and sweet soul, so attend and participate in his class!

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WRIT50E . Huk P M 4 Years Ago

Tons of group work, really chill professor. He doesn't assign a ton of work, only weekly writing assignments that eventually stopped. If you want to get by WRIT 50E with minimal effort, this is your professor. Just don't blow assignments off and you are guaranteed an A.

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WRIT50E . Huk P M 4 Years Ago

Pretty easy class. Hes really just looking for effort.

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WRIT2E . Huk P M 4 Years Ago

Mostly looks for effort. Pay attention in class for assignment deadlines.

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WRIT2E . Huk P M 5 Years Ago

Don't even think about it just take him. He is a very fair grader and will honestly give you an A as long as you try. His classes can get a little boring but he lets you out early. Do not forget he can review your work before turning it in, so take advantage.

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WRIT109F . Huk P M 6 Years Ago

Took him over the summer, so I always had 1-2 papers due T/R along with EC papers if I had time. Subject material was interesting, allows you to write about something you take interest in no matter what your major is. EC always helps whether you are a weak or strong writer, so always do more EC than you need. He also has a dog he brings to class!

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107G . Huk P M 7 Years Ago

Huk is an awesome guy; very accessible, relaxed, and approachable. His teaching style is super laid back, lets you re-write assignments for a better grade. However, the group project is insane in terms of the amount of work you need to do. Make absolutely sure to have good, contributing group members

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WRIT50E . Huk P M 8 Years Ago

Prof. Huk is nice and very easygoing. If you do the assignments and show up to class, you will get an A. He also allows you to resubmit assignments for a better grade as many times as you want.

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WRIT109F . Huk P M 8 Years Ago

such an easy A. the papers are not graded hard, almost nothing is to be turned in on "time". he allows you to rewrite anything you have turned in for a better grade. definitely take with him.

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WRIT107G . Huk P M 8 Years Ago

Professor Huk is a really laid back professor. There's barely any homework and all the assignments you have to do are pretty interesting. The assignments also help you improve your writing as well.

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WRITING109F . Huk P M 9 Years Ago

Really changed the way I think about film. We watched excerpts from a number of documentaries, including mock-, and had to think deeply about things like perspective, bias, editing, sound and then we had to come up with our specific plan for a research paper. I learned a lot and enjoyed the class far more than I thought I would. Eye-opening!

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WRIT109F . Huk P M 9 Years Ago

Honestly did nothing in this class. Multiple class periods were spent watching trailers. I hate to say any class was a waste of time, but I really didn't learn anything from this one.

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WRIT2E . Huk P M 9 Years Ago

Huk is so chill, lets you have revisions, barely any work outside the 3 main assignments we had (which were graded very fairly). Also lets you choose topics you want to write about for last 2 assignments (worth 60-70% of grade together) making it a lot easier to write since it is stuff you're interested in. Taking him for 50E

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WRIT50E . Huk P M 11 Years Ago

Best class I have ever taken. such an awesome teacher and person. you actually do something that is like the real world. he transformed the way i think.

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