Craig Cotich
44 reviews

WRIT105G . Cotich C 9 Months Ago

Super inconsiderate about what you are going through.

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WRIT105G . Cotich C 1 Year, 9 Months Ago

Craig is a master at his craft. 105 was by far one of the most challenging but rewarding classes I have taken. Definitely not an easy A but you'll learn to appreciate grammar. The material takes time and effort to understand but Craig is available to you 24/7. He genuinely wants you to succeed in his class. He's also super funny and approachable.

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WRIT105G . Cotich C 4 Years Ago

I had a great time in Prof. Cotich's class! I took a couple upper divs with him. He's a bit intimidating (at least I thought so) but I had no problem getting time to talk with him outside of class--never had any time where I couldn't get feedback. Also really empathetic in my experience and was understanding with issues. Took classes pre-COVID.

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WRIT105G . Cotich C 12 Years Ago

funny in a nerdy way. really passionate about grammar (didn't know that was possible, but somehow it is) and makes you want to learn. makes dry material interesting. he is happy to help you understand something if confusion arises. super easy if you pay attention

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WRIT105CH . Cotich C 3 Months Ago

Professor Cotich is extremely helpful outside of class if you want feedback and wants you to come to office hours. At times I felt the material and expectations were not clear in what he wanted from us. The class was very interesting and it teaches you a lot about persuasive writing and change. You have to work for a good grade and put in the work.

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WRIT151 . Cotich C 1 Year, 11 Months Ago

One of the best teachers I've had at UCSB. He is passionate about the subject and shows genuine care for his students' progress. While it takes work to get good grades, I wouldn't say he is a hard grader as much as a teacher who sets clear and rigid expectations, and if you follow them, you should do well.

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INT94VT . Cotich C 3 Years Ago

Professor had good lectures, but wasn't very approachable. Still, an interesting class.

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107G . Cotich C 4 Years Ago

Just look at the consistency in writing between the 5 star reviews. Very obvious he has written 99% of these 5 star reviews himself. They all have the same content -- "omg grammar is so cool! *hard grader* but wow he's amazing!!" basically the positive connotation of every real review - "way too hard of a grader. perfectionist on grammar, etc" lol

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WRIT105PS . Cotich C 7 Years Ago

If you ever take his 105PS class, make sure you are ready to write stuffs that fit strictly to his style. Tough grader. Avoid his class during summer session. His assignment instructions might not always be helpful enough to get you a good grade. Do not procrastinate and be ready to have him read your drafts before final submission.

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WRIT1 . Cotich C 7 Years Ago

Mr. Cotich is awesome. Still my favorite teacher to this day at UCSB. I even took him two quarters in a row. He was very good with helping students improve their own techniques instead of trying to make everyone's writing look the same. Go to class. Participate. Ask for help. You'll do just fine.

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WRT105PS . Cotich C 8 Years Ago

Cotich is a great teacher and a great person, but there are time where he isn't always perfect. In my first project turned in, I had previously went to his office hours for help. I still ended up with a C+ even after adding his feedback. He is a tough grader and unresponsive with emails but all that aside, a fantastic teacher

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WRIT1ACE . Cotich C 8 Years Ago

He grades essays really hard. Ask for his feedback on everything; if it isn't the way he wants it then it basically is not right. Go to class on time because he will knock off points.

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WRIT12 . Cotich C 10 Years Ago

He is a great professor! He helps you a lot. You definitely improve after taking his class. BUT He is a really hard grader. He expects your essays to be really well done. Take him if you really want to improve your writing.

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WRIT1 . Cotich C 14 Years Ago

grades hard and expects a lot from you, but he is willing to help you. good professor over all. btw, watch your grammar when writing papers. marks everything you do wrong.

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WRIT1 . Cotich C 14 Years Ago

Awesome class!! I dont think he is a harsh grader, I think he is a fair. If you do the work then you're good, that's how you learn.

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WRIT109E . Cotich C 15 Years Ago

Professor Cotich is a really down to earth guy but he grades like a perfectionist. He docks off points for the smallest things, such as missing commas. He doesn't explain any of the assignments very well and you are basically on your own for the big group project. Honestly, I did get what the point in having a teacher is for this class.

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WRIT109E . Cotich C 16 Years Ago

WRIT109ED- Awesome, awesome, awesome class. Awesome teacher. If you have interest in teaching, definitely take this class.

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WRIT110M . Cotich C 16 Years Ago

Fought really, really hard to make us understand and to make class interesting. Tough grader, but great teacher.

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WRIT156 . Cotich C 16 Years Ago

AMAZING! I highly recommend taking this class, or any class Craig teaches. Super funny, super nice, super helpful. Be ready to work, you will definitely reap the rewards.

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WRIT110M . Cotich C 16 Years Ago

Cotich is by far the worst teacher I've had at UCSB. He hardly explains the assignments, grades really harshly, and then doesn't give you back your work until the end of the quarter. Taking his class was the worst mistake I've made at UCSB.

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WRITSECT . Cotich C 16 Years Ago

Craig is super fun and great teacher. Very friendly, so go to his office hours because they will totally make a difference on your essay. He will tell you what to fix in order for it to be good. He always says cheesy jokes so just laugh it off.

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WRIT2 . Cotich C 17 Years Ago

LOVE LOVE LOVE him!! He is such a great teacher and truly cares about the students. Really interesting because of him! Is very helpful and the class is only made up of papers. Let him look at yours before and it will benefit you greatly. HIGHLY recommend. The best professor ive had!

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WRIT151 . Cotich C 17 Years Ago

Craig is pretty much the best UCSB so far, and I'm graduating next quarter. He really has a passion for writing, is super nice and peppy, and wants every student to succeed. I've taken 3 classes with him and recommend you do the same! You won't regret it!

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WRIT156 . Cotich C 17 Years Ago

Great teacher, makes grammar fun (i never thought it possible). The writing assignments are super creative, in class work is really helpful, and the tests are easy if you do the readings (which are really short). He is a fair grader and loves to help his students.

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