PSY 211
Vanessa Woods
102 reviews

PSY3 . Woods V E 9 Years Ago

DON'T TAKE THIS CLASS WITH WOODS! Wait until the next quarter and take it with anyone else besides Woods. Her exams are ridiculous, the class mean was 65% and the mean on the final was 72% with a massive curve! She reads entirely off her slides, so no point in attending class, they are online. I learned an awful lot in the course, yet did poorly.

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PSY3 . Woods V E 9 Years Ago

Woods knows a lot about her field, but in lecture she only reads off her powerpoint which is not helpful because anyone can read. Lectures are boring because of this, and you barely need to go because she puts the slides online. The class rubric makes sense and if it wasn't for her horrible teaching, the class shouldn't be too hard to pass.

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PSY120L . Woods V E 9 Years Ago

Woods was a decent teacher. She came across condescending at times, but was usually pretty helpful when asked. She was a tough grader.

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PSY3 . Woods V E 9 Years Ago

So..I am a 3.9 student and this class was the first class i received a C+. Her tests are very straightforward, but she makes them hard. REALLY HARD. She tries everything to trick you, and she goes over the materials way too quickly. If she says one sentence in class, that is "fair game" on the test. Your grade is purely based off of tests.

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PSY3 . Woods V E 9 Years Ago

She goes over the slides way too fast in lecture and skips around too much between slides. She confuses more than she explains. Would wait for another quarter to take this class with someone else

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PSY3 . Woods V E 9 Years Ago

Hated the class, hated her, hated the subject. Beware, wait for the next quarter to take Psy3 with someone else. 010 would not reblog.

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PSYCH3 . Woods V E 9 Years Ago

This was the hardest class I've ever taken. The first half of the class is 100% bio and there is a ridiculous amount of info you have to memorize. There are no assignments, so it's solely grades on 2 midterms and a final. The test questions were unnecessarily difficult for what is already a difficult subject matter.

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PSYCH3 . Woods V E 9 Years Ago

Only take this class with her if you hate yourself. This class is 0% psychology and 100% biology. The material is really difficult and she doesn't make it any easier. The test are 100 times harder than anything we learn in class and she already expects us to fail. If the mean of a midterm is 65, it doesn't mean make the next one harder.

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137 . Woods V E 9 Years Ago

woods sucks. her slides suck (and are stolen from another university) and her textbook choice is even worse. she rambles about sex for 3 weeks then rushes through all the fun stuff. I wish kippin was still teaching this class.

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PSYCH111L . Woods V E 10 Years Ago

Probably the worst professor I've had at UCSB. I've had her for 3 classes now.. her classes are not hard at all, but she is so bad. She contradicts the book, herself, her slides, her syllabus.. I sit through her lectures or talk to her in office hours and think how did THIS lady become a professor.. anyways, easy classes, but terribly spent time.

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PSYCH122 . Woods V E 10 Years Ago

I thought this class was pretty easy. Pay attention in class everything was off the lecture slides for the exams. 1 midterm 1 final for summer. I have taken 2 classes with her and this was much easier than her Psych 111 class.

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PSY111L . Woods V E 10 Years Ago

Favorite teacher and class by far at UCSB- she is very clear and good at explaining things, her tests can be challenging but are extremely fair- if you study the slides you will get an A

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PSY137 . Woods V E 10 Years Ago

Absolutely love her classes, had her for 3, 102 & 116 as well. Pretty much everything is straight out of lecture slides-go to class! She expects you to grasp and apply concepts. Tests are hard but fair. Her classes tend to overlap some which helps. She is very approachable and helpful if you are confused. I always know what to expect on her tests.

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PSY122 . Woods V E 10 Years Ago

I absolutely love Professor Woods! I am currently in the third class she's taught and I've loved every course. She's giving me a letter of rec for grad school, and she's helped me through every course. She's awesome - take advantage of office hours!

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PSY133 . Woods V E 10 Years Ago

Had her for 3 different classes. She's good for psychology, but terrible for biopsych courses. Why? Because she attempts to teach a mechanism from a bunch of poorly summarized bullet points. I enjoy learning, especially bio, but these are unbearable! Not only that, but she contradicts the book! Avoid Avoid Avoid if you actually plan to learn!

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PSY3 . Woods V E 11 Years Ago

Love her class!!

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PSYCH137 . Woods V E 11 Years Ago

This class was extremely difficult, but what I expected from "behavioral endocrinology". The average was 75%, and she seemed to think this was pretty good. Barely any questions were from texbook, all lecture. If you want to pass, record her lectures and go over powerpoints many times.

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PSY3 . Woods V E 11 Years Ago

It's definitely a more challenging class but she really tries to help her students understand the material. I would study the lecture notes rather than the book. The tests are definitely fair and straight forward. I would recommend her for this class.

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PSYC3 . Woods V E 11 Years Ago

Love her as always! She is fabulous.

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PSY116 . Woods V E 11 Years Ago

Loved everything about her. Only downer is that she goes through the material quiclkly. Don't even need to buy the book- everything that appears on the test is in her slides. Go to class, take good notes on her print out slides, study, and you're good!

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PSYCH3 . Woods V E 11 Years Ago

I would say keep up with your lectures rather than reading the book, but read the book for a more detailed/clearer understanding. If it's not covered in lecture, skip over the info in the book. The midterms/final is mostly on the lectures. The curve in the class will help your grade alot.

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PSYCH3 . Woods V E 11 Years Ago

This class is difficult & requires memorizing many details. However, Woods' lectures are very clear & helpful, & her slides (which are posted online before lectures) are very well organized & clear. The 2 midterms & 1 final are mostly based on lectures, but partly on the book (Physiology of Behavior), which is somewhat difficult to follow.

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PSYCH3 . Woods V E 11 Years Ago

Hard class, tons of information and a lot of memorizing. Going to class is usefull but hard to stay awake or attention for that long. Woods does not give any studyguides or directions for tests, which makes it very hard to study. Tests are not easy and very detailed.

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PSYCH134 . Woods V E 17 Years Ago

It could be said she was 'willfully ignorant' by people who wanted to compare their own drug-taking experience with the scientific pharmacology. My friends and I loved her. There's a lot of detail but read the lecture notes she posts online and go to lecture and you'll do great.

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